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PSXE Poll Update: New Call Of Duty Isn’t Impressing Gamers

It has a new engine, a new story, new characters, and a new setting.

But obviously, that's not good enough. At least not until Infinity Ward and Activision can prove they can add real innovation to the vaunted Call of Duty franchise. Proof is necessary!

After this year's Call of Duty: Ghosts was announced, we wanted to know what you thought of it. After all, with all the "new" associated with this fresh installment, we had hoped more would be optimistic about the 2013 effort. It'll even be available on next-gen platforms, which could be pretty damn cool. But unfortunately, after several years of being kinda underwhelming from the hardcore gamer perspective, the vast majority of the PSXE community just don't care anymore. You can't really blame them, either. Still, we do have high hopes for Ghosts and we'll give IW the benefit of the doubt…for now. We can optimistic, can't we?

This week, we want to get your two cents on Final Fantasy Versus XIII . We've known about this game for, what…going on seven years now? Square Enix swears it's still in development but at this rate, many are saying it's the new Duke Nukem Forever . After all this time, do you still care about the game? Or have you long since moved on and forgotten about it?

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Ghosts

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11 years ago

I'm still interested in Versus, although I'm a bit skeptical because of how 13 and 13-2 came out. There was a rumor recently that it is still exclusive and is in development for the PS3 and also for the PS4.

11 years ago

I just beat Bulletstorm today and realized: military FPS are boring and lame. Give me a crazy irreverent first person shmup any day over a serious gritty by the book war game.

I'm still interested in Versus but I'm highly doubtful of it at this point. It could really go any way and I'm no longer losing sleep over its vaporware status. If it ends up with a version on PS4 I'll just wait longer.

11 years ago

You should give BFBC2(MP)a try, trust me way better than the COD games, everything is more balanced out. Last year I picked up BFBC2 the ultimate edition off ebay (used of course) for 10 bucks, the original owner (what a sucker) forgot to punch in the free codes for the rest of the MP maps, saved myself 10 or 15 bucks for that.

11 years ago

Stopped caring about Versus quite a while ago. Whether it comes to the PS3, PS4, or to nothing, it'll all be about the same to me.

11 years ago

Sign me up for any new CoD. Those campaigns still manage to surprise and entertain me. I'm not expecting anything different, just bigger. FPS games are hard enough to innovate and the military FPS compounds that issue by being based in reality. As long as it's fun, I can shoot lots of people, and a bunch of 'Holy crap!' moments in first person, I'm happy.

I hope Versus 13 happens. It looks great.

11 years ago

I will always LOVE Military FPS's idk if its because i was in the Army or because i grew up loving and playing shooters like Contra and my first FPS (Sort of) Operation Wolf, Yeah im kinda old. So for me COD is pretty much what i've always been looking for in a Video Game, because none of the other Genre's really interest me. If it doesn't have any Guns i probably won't like it, but that's just ME. I love guns i guess

11 years ago

hardly a surprise there.
as for versus of course people still care, its freaking FF!
its one of those franchises, that no matter what happens, people will always be hoping and excited for it.
simply because there still hoping it will return to old, even though they know it wont happen.
i know GTAV will be a massive disappointment because its just going to be the same as GTAIV, a massive betrayal to what the franchise has always been about!
but that does not mean i dont care about it, you have to because no matter what happens there will always be the hope that it will return to old.
no matter how unlikely it is………………

11 years ago

COD Fanboy right here !!!

So much so i even got it on the Vita !

11 years ago

Let's just hope IW impresses us just like they did with MW1.

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