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New Saints Row IV Trailer: A President Truly Worth Electing

Good thing a Saint was elected as President of the United States because when the aliens invaded, we were ready to beat the sh** out of them.

Saints Row IV tells the utterly and delightfully absurd story of how the street gang has become a worldwide power. In fact, the main character is actually the President of the US, and he must deal with the invading alien race, the Zin. Just…loopy.

With supernatural powers due to an otherworldly realm of sorts (it's kinda bizarre and complicated), you'll show those stupid aliens who's boss. And the latest trailer from publisher Deep Silver proves that as a presidential ass-kicker, you will be unparalleled. As revealed in March , Saints Row IV will launch on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on August 20 in North America. Ready to throw down, Saints-style?