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If Devil’s Third Is Still In Development, Can We Get An Update?

Hey, remember this game?

Team Ninja and renowned designer Tomonobu Itagaki have been hard at work on their new project, Devil's Third . But we haven't heard anything about it in a while, and after THQ (the intended publisher) went down, we got worried.

Well, it does seem like the title is still in the works, as evidenced by a new post at developer Valhalla Games' website . A picture was posted that showed a celebration for Itagaki's birthday, and a message that read:

"We held a ‘hanami’ party in celebration of the birthday of our CTO, Tomonobu Itagaki, the other day. Under the flag of Valhalla, a number of people have gathered from all over the world. They sometimes clash with each other, enhance each other and appreciate each other: such scenes are our usual days in the studio.

Please do look forward to our new challenge, DEVIL’S THIRD!"

Okay, but can we get some kind of update? If it's still coming, is it still in the works for current generation consoles? Presumably, development hasn't been pushed back enough to the point where we can expect a next-gen effort. Right? And perhaps more importantly, did you find a new publisher for the game? If so, who is it? I love me some Itagaki and Team Ninja, but I really need to see some new material for this one.

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11 years ago

Always thought it looked promising but this development process has not been pretty.

11 years ago

sorry, but its kinda impossible to look forward to something when you really have not seen any of it!
especially when the development cycle has been this rocky, we all know what the result of that normally is………
it certainly has some big names under it, and its both a action sword fighting game and shooter, something we really dont see often.
so they will help it along, but more than big names, and unique cool concepts, the creation of a good game requires.

11 years ago

The name Devils third always makes me laugh.. I see Devil third but think Devils turd

11 years ago

I think of devil may cry

11 years ago

update, all dev's drunk with strippers passed out and locked up in bathroom

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