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Ubisoft Says We’ll See South Park: The Stick Of Truth In 2013

When THQ went down, many promising titles appeared to go with it. But thankfully, most found new homes.

One of those that found a new publisher was South Park: The Stick of Truth , which had been slated to launch on March 5 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. After Ubisoft picked up the project for $3.2 million, many were wondering when the game would show up.

Well, according to what a Ubisoft spokesperson told VideoGamer , the title is set to release later this year. THQ had already delayed the game once; when that happened, then-president Jason Rubin had this to say:

"I believe South Park's market opportunity is significant. It is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated titles of calendar 2013. It is also an expansive title, encompassing multiple television seasons' worth of content. THQ is committed to giving gamers no less than the rich South Park game they have been waiting for and deserve."

Supposedly, the title features role-playing elements mixed with action and platforming, and fans of the long-running cartoon series should be enthusiastic. Besides, Ubisoft doesn't typically like to produce crap, so when the game does hit store shelves, it might be pretty damn good. The only potential downside is that developer Obsidian is kinda hit or miss…

Related Game(s): South Park: The Stick of Truth

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11 years ago

The video footage from last year's E3 looked promising. I hope they deliver!

11 years ago

This has been at the top of my games to get list since I first heard of it. Glad its still coming this year. Even if this game gets mostly 6s and 7s I'll still get it. Hopefully the extra time gives obsidian time to exterminate some of the bugs their infamous for.

11 years ago

Yeah looked pretty good , especially the part where it seem to have turn based like combat .

11 years ago

I can't stand watching the cartoon let alone lay down money to play the game.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Too bad because it's funny

11 years ago

already been delayed once, and its already 2 months overdue so it better be out this year!
i was hoping by july, especially since metro was due in march and its now releasing may 16, so i assumed this would be around the same time.
still pissing my pants from the VGA trailer last year, come on that was so funny!
so cant wait to play it, its been far too long since we had a game that did not take itself too seriously and just put on a clown face to make everyone piss their pants laughing!
germans, and funny bot, need not apply!

Last edited by ___________ on 5/4/2013 10:01:02 AM

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