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Kojima: MGS Legacy Collection Just Too Massive For Xbox 360

Well, that's what you get for using a woefully outdated software format.

The massive bundle known as Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection consists of a grand total of 7 games and over 60 hours of content. And that is precisely the reason why it's exclusive to the PlayStation 3.

This collection is so huge that it actually requires two Blu-Ray discs to hold the majority of the franchise's quarter-century saga. They didn't even get it all in there; we'd probably need a third disc if they had. So on Thursday during a Kojima Productions radio broadcast, boss man Hideo Kojima clarified that The Legacy Collection would've needed 6 DVDs on the 360. We don't have an exact release date just yet, but hardcore fans are anxiously waiting already… Don't worry, it might drop in June.

To be honest, as much as I'm a supporter of multiplatform releases so all gamers can get a chance to play certain masterpieces, I'm fine with this. Metal Gear Solid 's legacy is firmly planted in the PlayStation universe. I know it began on other earlier consoles but let's face it; the MGS legend is rooted in PlayStation history; it's synonymous with the brand. I know it has gone multiplatform now, but it'd almost be like having a Halo collection on the PS3. It just doesn't make much sense, I say.

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11 years ago

It's lovely… yet I still do not see it's purpose. The 'Metal Gear Solid HD Collection' was sufficient in presenting all the Metal Gear games PS3 owners didn't have access too. Because of that, I will be passing on this. I got a lovely hardback artbook with my MGSHDC too, so I don't feel burnt for buying it.

Is that an official image of the discs, I take it MGS1 and the VR Missions will be download? That's one good thing I suppose. You can't use the VR Mission disc on the PS3 due to that cross over method it has wit the original game. I'll be sure to pick that up individually.

11 years ago

but you "gotta catch 'em all"
This edition comes in lovely black.
every HARDCORE MGS fan needs to re-purchase the same games over and over again to qualify themselves as such.

In 3 years they'll re-release the set again for PS4. This time they'll add some little doo-dad to make it seem worth it… again

11 years ago

That's the thing, if it was released on the Playstation 4 that would be fully justified as it seems it is not backwards compatible. I know Snake was fond of boxes but I for one am not if it contains nothing new.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Not only is it too massive for the console, but the whole game is also too massive for the Xbox users, mentally. Way too much for then to handle, even physically. You can even argue they aren't even ready emotionally.

11 years ago

Kind of makes you wonder why they even bothered bring the HD collection (MGS2,3 and PW) to the 360 in the first place. MGS4 whether you like it or not is very crucial to the over all story.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I just don't like how Kojima lied and said MGS was never going to Xbox. I wasn't ready mentally, physically, nor emotionally for that.

Anyway, I just don't care anymore. Many great games out there that will utilize the architecture fully only seen in the playstation console will keep me busy for this lifetime. There's no denying thoug, that MGS, is arguably, the best series to have ever been created since the dawn of games.

Before I was attacked by games (too many games coming out monthly), I was playing MGS and GTA all day, everyday.

11 years ago

True, but it happedn with pretty much every other exclusive PS2 series (Final Fantasy, Tekken, Devil May Cry ect.) – Actually MGS2 substance was on the original XBOX wasnt it. I still find it silly that they put the HD collection on there without 360 owners having access to MGS1 or MGS4.

Oh and you hear no argument from me, while I do favour Final Fantasy slightly (Well FFX and before…) They can get away with a longer series as each game in the series is stand alone. While Metal Gear has kept the story going for over 25 years – which is mighty impressive.

11 years ago

I really don't care if its on the Xbox, but OI hate how the Xbox only fans bashed the franchise for years calling it a movie and then get hyped when it hits the Xbox and they did not even buy it much. It was the same when MGS2 was released on the original Xbox.They used to say things like Splinter Cell was better anyway and because it was more realistic.Now they are hyped again and gassing up Phantom Pain and will not buy it just like they previous releases. I will admit as a long term and diehard fan I do feel jaded that Konami does not think the over 6 million PS3 fans are no enough for them to make a profit, especially when the franchises has never gone platinum on another console since what the NES port of the first game? I can understand if they actually bought the games, but how can going multi plat equal more profit when the game flops on the xbox?

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

methinks kojima said solid snake as a lead character is playstation exclusive,technically he co starred in Mgs2!
They removed snake vs monkey from the hd mgs3 and i dont think the 2d games count.

11 years ago

The 2D games certainly count, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is actually a really good game if you give it your time. Not so fond on the original 'Metal Gear' though. Should they remake them, I wont hesitate to consider them overwritten mind you.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

i was talking about the 2d mgs as not being exclusive to the ps band because they existed before it.
Of course they're relevant !!

11 years ago

I can't help but laugh at the thought of 6 DVD's for this collection. I have a friend of mine who is an avid 360 user and he said he didn't mind the multi-disc 360 games for "nostalgia". Yeah. Right.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago


Talk about grasping at straws.

11 years ago

No biggie, I'm sure that xbox 360 owners can wait for the next big metal gear bundle for the xbox 720.

I'm sure the HD collection should keep them busy until then.

11 years ago

Did Kojima forget about the PlayStation brand placement in MGS4?

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

And Apple

11 years ago

Oh, I never knew it's only on the PS3.

11 years ago

I couldn't image trying to get MGS4 to work on the xbox, even if space wasn't and issue.

And I don't think I'll be able to resist this collection.

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