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Rumor: Bioshock Infinite DLC To Offer A New AI Companion

For the record, Elizabeth is by far and away one of the best AI companions ever.

But might we get another partner for Bioshock Infinite ? 2K Games hasn't officially announced the first batch of downloadable content but according to a developer's LinkedIn page (via Superannuation ), it seems Elizabeth will get some help.

The LinkedIn profile cites work on "animation and R&D for a new AI companion character," which is pretty specific. There are no other details at this time, but it's certainly worthy of discussion. Elizabeth is a great AI ally in the new Bioshock and it's tough to imagine the need for another AI companion. She's also critical to the storyline; how important would this new partner be? Still, we love the idea of seeing some expansion content because Bioshock Infinite is the bestest game of 2013. So far, anyway.

There is a Season Pass for the game, if you're interested. It costs $20 and it's primed to deliver several more hours of gameplay, which will feature new stories, characters, abilities and weapons.

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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11 years ago


Maybe the DLC will have us playing as Elizabeth? and then she will have an AI companion.

11 years ago

kinda what i was thinking, like her time before she was pout in the tower, almost like a prequel

11 years ago

I already bought the season pass so I can't wait to see what they will roll out.

Will we get to go back to rapture for another adventure?

Could we take up the role of a damaged man who was forced to be a Handyman (a la Robocop), whose worried wife helps as AI partner.

Could we play as the two scientists as they roll through scary parallel universes?

Inquiring minds want to know!

11 years ago

I too bought the season pass. Had too only after an hour of play. This game is sweeeeeet! Can't wait to play more. Already finished it twice.

11 years ago

Well, looks like I'll be waiting for the DLC edition of this game then. I was close to buying it aswell…

11 years ago

pinkie and perky, it just HAS to be!
now that would be cool!
or even the songbird?
wish he played a more in depth role in the game, it really is a breathtaking creature!

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