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Tiger Woods PGA Tour To Miss 2013

There has been a Tiger Woods PGA Tour game each and every year since 1999. But the streak is finally over.

According to sources speaking to Kotaku , Electronic Arts unfortunately won't be publishing a new Tiger Woods title this year. Next up would've been Tiger Woods PGA Tour 15 .

It seems the company had initially planned to outsource the new installment, for the sake of giving in-house team EA Tiburon two full years to make Tiger Woods PGA Tour 16 for next-generation consoles. But in the interest of saving costs after CEO John Riccitiello resigned last month, EA decided to drop that idea. Currently, there's no knowing when the long-running franchise will return, although it's probably safe to assume we'll see it when the new generation is officially upon us. Golf fans want it back, we're sure.

The popularity of golf and the athlete in question has been on the wane ever since that well-publicized scandal. EA may have been feeling the effects of that in the past few years.

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11 years ago

Wow, Ben. You are truly an idiot. Tiger Woods PGA Tour '14 was released in 2013. What you probably meant to say was that there won't be a Tiger Woods game in 2014 according to those sources you crib from. I guess you were dreaming about _____ again, eh Ben?

Ever wonder why your site isn't popular any more, Ben? Go look in the mirror and see the reason why.


11 years ago

Technically Tiger 14 launched at the end Q4 of the 2012 Fiscal year. I know, it's confusing for those who don't understand a retail calendar! So before bashing a videogame journalist, do a little research.

11 years ago

This will be a great opportunity for EA to get their years straightened back out, and release Tiger Woods PGA Tour 15 in 2015.

I can live without this franchise for a year anyway.

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