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DUST 514 Launches On May 14…Get It?

Guess they're done testing.

For a while now, we've been waiting on the official launch date of CCP's MMOFPS, DUST 514 . Exclusive to the PlayStation 3, this EVE Online spin-off features a more action-oriented perspective of EVE 's insanely in-depth world.

Now, as announced at the developer's Twitter page , DUST 514 is cleared to release on May 14. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? 5/14? DUST 514 …? Yes, we get it, CCP. Very clever. We just hope you've made some essential tweaks in the last few weeks, because based on what we've seen thus far, you ain't ready to go. There are still a number of issues to be addressed, as we mentioned in our recent hands-on preview . But a new build is due on May 6, so here's hoping! Maybe it'll feel like a whole new game.

This sorta makes me miss MAG . That game was pretty great, and I don't even like that multiplayer style.

Related Game(s): DUST 514

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11 years ago

The previous hands-on preview was poorly done and had major mistakes or better yet misinformation. They still have a few issues but nothing that isn't found in just about any online shooter.

I've been part of the testing community for over a year now and have confidence that many of the major bugs have been addressed and a lot of the ones that still exist are being addressed in the upcoming Uprising build on May 6th.

11 years ago

I still need to play with you man. I haven't played it in a while because I'm still overwhelmed by the way buying stuff works. I will probably check it out when it launches. I did however hook up my mouse and keyboard and boy did that make a difference. I was killing everyone so easily 😛

11 years ago

Yeah we still haven't done that have we? Sorry….If you want look up our Corp on there and apply it is "OSG Planetary Operations" the only thing we ask is that you sign up to our website which has the address towards the bottom of our description. The website is crucial as we disseminate all our info through it.

We have a friendly Corp and take anyone from new to vet status players. We also have a very laxxed way about us as we play the game both casually and seriously. You the Merc get to choose what level of interaction you want, you can simply play casually with the other members or take it to the next level and apply for our Factional Warfare Division. Our FWD is very serious as we have members of it highly specialize into specific roles and work on squad compositions and tactics with eachother. We definitely want to have a presence when Planetary Conquest releases next week.

11 years ago

Great, just in time for everyone to not even notice because we are all looking forward to PS4.

11 years ago

I think it is far too late to release something like a mmo. I'd never start on it unless it was *confirmed* that I could continue on the PS4, and even then I'd hesitate.

11 years ago

I do remember CCP talking about this and stating clearly this is already considered and easily done on their end to move Dust forward in the future. One of the reasons they are with Sony.

11 years ago

It will be transitioned over to the PS4, they made that clear a long time ago. The one thing I can suggest is if you have room on your HDD is to download and install it then create a character and activate the passive SP, then let it collect Dust 🙂 Down the road if you were to become interested in it when you log on you will have a ton of unallocated Skill Points to play with. Basically you wll still be far behind most of the active players but at least you will be able to build somewhat of a decent character up.

Just make sure to befriend a player or a friendly teaching Corp so you could learn what skills are worth pursuing, many people just start spending SP only to find out later they made major mistakes and cannot change that. As far as it stands now May 6th is the only confirmed respec players will get.

11 years ago

Mag was an awesome game, I still throw it in from time to time. What game is ever perfect? My whole friends list is from that game. Its a real shame that we will never see a mag 2.

11 years ago

Irony! 514 on 5/14
Clever marketing, the game seems like it could be cool. Played the beta a few times and enjoyed it, just having trouble getting into an FPS recently.

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