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Former Activision PR Manager Stole $29K From Black Ops Budget

Those PR peeps can be a shifty bunch, you know.

According to a Daily Mail report , a former PR senior manager at Activision UK has been convicted of stealing £18,963 (approximately $29,000) from the company.

Kathryn Kirton took the money and spent it on numerous shopping sprees, a luxury hotel break and a bachelorette party. Evidently, she took the money from the budget for 2010's Call of Duty: Black Ops launch event in London, which took place in Battersea power station. She was assisted by PR consultant Jamie Kaye, who also admitted to taking £5,000, which was subsequently spent on six iPads and a £3,500 vacation to Florida. Hope he had fun.

Kirton's defense was that she was "entranced by the glamorous and luxurious world of public relations." Unsurprisingly, Blackfriars Crown Court didn't buy the excuse. The judge showed some leniency because Kirton has a young son, so he didn't send her immediately to jail; the sentence was 18 months with a suspended sentence of 2 years. Kaye got a 9-month sentence suspended for 12 months, and was ordered to perform 80 hours of unpaid work. That isn't too bad, really.

The judge had this to say:

"You were in a position of considerable responsibility. You bought a large quantity of designer clothing. You spent time in luxury accommodation and you funded your engagement party through dishonest means. There was repeat dishonesty over a period of months. There is no doubt your wickedness deserves a severe sentence. In the world of PR you are surrounded by luxury items. That is reality for people working in that industry."

PR isn't that glamorous. Geez.

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11 years ago

Hahaha, money well spent! The profits certainly aren't going back into the game development anyway. And likely not missed in the cash wasting atmosphere of Activision.

11 years ago

Greed never ceases to amaze me.

11 years ago

I can never figure out why a judge uses the family card, it should be the opposite. You have a family and you were willing to sacrifice it for just $29,000, you are the definition of pathetic and should be given the maximum penalty. At least it shows that it isn't just the American justice system that is broken.

11 years ago

If you're going to lose your job, ruin your reputation and risk jail time, then why would you do it for such small stakes?

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