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Rumor: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition Coming

If you passed on one of this generation's very best experiences, you can rectify that mistake in June.

Well, provided the leaked information is accurate. According to Eurogamer Poland , Polish retailer Ultima has listed a Legendary Edition for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim . It has a June 7 date and it would feature the three expansions; Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. The price might come in at the standard $59.99.

Bethesda has recently announced that they will be moving on to focus on new projects, one of which is obviously Shinji Mikami's The Evil Within . But the publisher also said they'd never actually "say goodbye" to Skyrim as they will continue to support the award-winning title in some capacity. If this Legendary Edition is for real and it does come out in June, we'd have to recommend getting it if you've never played Skyrim .

It's pretty special.

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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11 years ago

Good to hear. Been waiting for this since I traded in my PS3 copy due to losing all hope for the release of DLC. When that sucker hits 20 bucks it's mine. Sorry Beth, but that's what ya get.

11 years ago

This is pretty much what I was thinking.

Once it hits the bargain bin, I'll pick it up, but not a day sooner.

And this will be my M.O. for EVERY Bethesda DEVELOPED game from now on.

11 years ago

It's about time. I always wait for the GotY/Legenday/whatever Edition for Elder Scrolls games. Glad to know it'll be here soon.

Last edited by dmiitrie on 4/19/2013 2:04:41 PM

11 years ago

I just hope it'll have all the bugs fixed because I heard the PS3 version is still problematic even with all the patch till now.

11 years ago

I thought they were planning more than 3 large pieces of dlc? Am I incorrect about that because it would seem silly to release the uber edition before the dlc is all released. Not that it would surprise me really.

11 years ago

They've moved on to the development of Fallout 4 probably. So all the plans for future DLCs have been canned. In my opinion, they haven't given a proper finish and farewell to the Dovahkiin. Shame, really.

11 years ago

I knew something like this would eventually come and hopefully this is true so I can finally play Skyrim. Like many others I will still wait until I can get it used since I am done giving Bethesda day 1 money.

11 years ago

no offense to anyone, you just need to know/learn how to
play a bethesda game.

i've been waiting for a goty edition or something similar, this'll be a d1p
if the rumor is true.

11 years ago

No offence taken, and no offence to you but that is a insane comment. I should not have to play my game in a "special way" because the developers can't manage to program the games properly. That opens a pandora's box of laziness on the development side which if fully opened will never close.

I will always say they have creative concepts, they just lack the technical proficiency to carry them out properly.

11 years ago

Rectify the mistake of not buying it? Are you nuts? After all the problems with the game which was reminiscent of Fallout 3, which I bought the GOTY edition even with all the problems in the cheap bin, you think we should have bought it? Hmmm no.

BUT if they are coming out with all the DLC and a latest patched version, not clear if its been fixed or more stable, I might consider buying it. I learnt my lessons a number of years back and never buy a game within the first few months unless its tested, tried and true to be working properly.

I am sure its a good game. Its potentially on the list but there plenty of other games out there right now waiting to played such as Infinite. Someday I might give it a chance.

Keep Playing!

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