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FF Versus XIII “Information Ban” Will Be Lifted Soon, Supposedly

You know, I kinda miss those 12 years of comical Duke Nukem Forever news. But thankfully, we have another piece of vaporware to take its place.

We've actually had it for a while; we're already a good 6 years into the hilarious tenure of Final Fantasy Versus XIII . Maybe it has a chance of beating DNF! Well, anyway, Square Enix has apologized for the lack of information concerning the oft-delayed title.

Director Tetsuya Nomura said they'll be able to talk about it soon, and that we should "just wait a little more." …hasn't that exact same statement been repeated by Square Enix executives about six hundred times already? Maybe it's more like seven hundred.

Nomura was speaking on Square Enix Radio and the boss admitted that "even within the company it's a very delicate problem." He was referring to the question of when to release new details:

"The date when we can concretely lift the ban has been decided and we are preparing for that moment. Maybe the details as to why information couldn't be released might be touched upon at the next information announcement."

I'm sorry it's already overdue, but please wait just a little more."

Wait, there was a ban on giving gamers details on the game? Seriously? Why? And at this point, isn't it safe to assume it's a next-gen title? Maybe that's why they were waiting over the past few years.

Then again, maybe we just don't care anymore.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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11 years ago

Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. Even then, I probably won't believe it.

11 years ago

I sense an Aliens: Colonial Marines-caliber fiasco brewing.

11 years ago

I'm wondering what actually happened here. Because the Kingdom Hearts team was behind VS13 and they were sitting on a gold mine with making KH3, but had to get this game done first. Yet several spin offs were made while this was still being developed so I have no clue what was going on.

I'm wondering if they felt this game was risky so they were only trickling the funding they could afford? While trying to push out FF13 sequels to make that money back? Or if they were so screwed over by FF14s failed launch that they are waiting for that games relaunch to make them money to start funding this game again?

I have so many questions especially as to why it was banned. That seems a little steep to me.

It does seem likely that this is a next gen title now which is a big kick to the nuts because this game was one of the reasons I really wanted my PS3. I can only hope it gets two versions released one for the ps3 and one port to the ps4. That being the reason for all the delays. That would make me really happy.

But of course I will just have to wait for the official announcement.

Last edited by xenris on 4/17/2013 11:52:57 AM

11 years ago

Too risky?

You so quickly forget how different XIII and it's sequels were.

vsXIII is the one final fantasy game that could actually be a worthy entry to the series, even though it is a spin-off.

11 years ago

I don't think it is too risky. I was just wondering if that is what square was thinking.

Because it is a spin off it might have been overlooked? Which is maybe why they are perhaps going to change it to FF15?

I dunno its all silly though. Square needs to come forward with some info on this game, even though I'm pretty sure its going to be disappointing.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
11 years ago

Hey Ben.

Let me say first that I don't mean the slightest bit of offense or disrespect by what I'm about to say. But I just think that it's funny that I brought up Nomura's words in a previous comment I made to another recently posted article and then another article gets posted to that same effect shortly afterward.

I know that this is in all likelihood a coincidence and you were going to post this article anyway regardless of anything that I or any other commenters did. But all the same could you formally confirm this if it's not too much trouble? I'm only asking out of curiosity.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Sorry, I didn't see the comment. This is a common news headline so I spotted it easily.

11 years ago

There's a news tip link you can use too in the CP, and if Ben wasn't aware of the tip he usually gives credit to the tipper.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
11 years ago

Okay. Thanks.

I wonder why I got two thumbs down?

11 years ago

I've tipped heaps of things and then hours later an article shows up. I guess my tips get missed?

11 years ago

Nope. but common news likely gets tipped by many. I don't tip a tremendous amount, but I do sometimes. Most of the time it's something found in numerous areas or many people tip off.

I would say of the last 10 tips I sent in, I got maybe 1 shoutout? But I don't do it for the shoutouts anyways. My guess is that most news tips are more common than we realize. But anything to make the site or community better is a worthy effort. I'm sure Ben appreciates tips whether they proved necessary or not!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

must be waiting untill ffxiii-3 is out a year or so.
Still could very much be a current gen title & a ps3 exclusive.

11 years ago

What if these Versus XIII trailers and announcements are just cover ups to hide the development of FF VII?…. NAH!!!

11 years ago

It makes sense to me. Since FF13 and vs13 are different in game mechanics. It made financial sense to release FF13 and it's sequels since the engine was already there and just needed some tunning. Same thing happened with FFX-2, they made it using the same engine as the FFX.

Another reason would be, so as not to confuse the consumer with these FF13 titles. Perhaps Vs. takes place after all this Lightning trilogy. It is more based on reality. I'm just hoping it's still a PS3 game. I'd be pissed if it get's announced for PS4 instead.

11 years ago

Hope this game has good gameplay and will come to the PS4 and also hope they show it for the PS4 at E3

11 years ago

a ban to release information to see when it CAN release information?

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
11 years ago

Really…. Square! Thats two times in the past two months that who have announced that an announcement is coming. Seriously though if you want to get into net positive territory once again, these kinda tactics need to stop. Everybody was under the impression this game was dead, so you should have just waited until you were ready to announce what you are going to announce. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

Ok so let's get this clear…

This is an announcement to tell us that there will be an announcement soon about when the real announcement will be announced…

Thanks for clearing that up!

11 years ago

Just like their announcement at the Sony Meeting.

11 years ago

Oh. My. God. And I was a little worried that I was too hard on them in my last editorial. The incompetence is mind-blowing at this company. The only thing we can assume is that the game is exactly nowhere and all the workers are marooned on the island of the lotus-eaters.

After "Lightning Returns to Suckland" is out and sells 4 copies I'm thinking they will drop the "XIII" from Versus and rename it.

11 years ago

It's going to be unveiled at E3 in two months at the latest. That's a game in the middle of nowhere? You 'fans' are incredibly dour and cynical.

11 years ago

Siris, if it looks like a banana, smells like a banana, and tastes like a banana, it's probably a banana. Can't fault world for seeing … like… you know… exactly what is there.

11 years ago

It won't be vsXIII anymore.

I think it will be FFXV.

Which I guess means they would have had to rework the storyline and background lore so that it is no longer based in the XIII world.

11 years ago

"Lift the ban on talking about the game…"
come on Tetsuya Nomura is that the best you've got? Hire me as your PR guy
I'll do damage control for you, we'll clean up this mess once and for all!
-just come right out and deny the game is even supposed to exist:

"FFvsXIII??? I never said that…"


"I left FFvsXIII on the hood of my car and drove somewhat erratically through rush hour traffic, it was last seen somewhere on Interstate 40 around GreggorPark Beltway a couple years ago."

(I don't think anybody will be asking you anymore questions for quite some time)

11 years ago

People will probably be more concerned with how he could drive to America right after work.

11 years ago

Maybe they knew of the next generation and decided to make it the FFXIII for next generation, which would be a tremendous waist

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