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Bethesda Focusing On New Project, Will Still Support Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was one of the best games of 2011 and there's no doubt that fans are eagerly anticipating Bethesda's next memorable role-playing triumph.

In a new blog post , the publisher has revealed that they'll finally be "moving on" to their "next major project," which is currently in the pre-production stage.

They've worked hard to deliver all sorts of upgrades and expansions for Skyrim , including the Creation Kit, Steam Workshop, Kinect support and various downloadable content. Sure, a lot of that took way too long to make it to the PlayStation 3 version of the game but hopefully, that issue will be rectified with the next project. That, by the way, should be a next-gen title, right?

That all being said, Bethesda said they'll "never truly say goodbye" to Skyrim and in fact, there are still a few minor updates to come. A game so massive certainly gave gamers a ton of bang for their buck, and you can bet the new title is going to be even more gigantic in terms of size and scope. At least, that's what we're expecting. By the way, don't forget that although Bethesda published the excellent Dishonored last year, it was developed by Arkane Studios.

So who's ready to hear about The Elder Scrolls VI ?

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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11 years ago

I loved there games but I definitely feel betrayed. (and no! a week sale on the dlc doesn't make up for it. ) I will not be pre ordering any of their games.

11 years ago

Don't feel betrayed; Bethesda wasn't the only dev to have trouble developing for the PS3, they just had the most trouble. They did bring in help from Sony to get the DLC out, so they at least tried. Fallout 4 will be released on the PS4 and it'll run a lot better.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 4/15/2013 6:16:14 PM

11 years ago

There is a huge difference between releasing a ps3 in 2006-08 that has some major glitches and releasing one in 2011 that is basically unplayable.

But ya I hope they learned from this and won't make the same mistakes next gen

11 years ago

Finally, Fallout 4. Drives me crazy that we have to wait a few years, I was hoping it was further along than preproduction.

11 years ago

Forget Elder Scrolls. Surely Fallout must be next. Good grief how I look forward to that!

11 years ago

Fallout, oh how I need you back. There's only so much you can do in number 3! I even bought New Vegas to satisfy my appetite for some Fallout goodness.

11 years ago

I hope Fallout 4 is as in-depth and lengthy as Skyrim. F3 seemed big at the time but had much less to accomplish than what was in skyrim.

11 years ago

Yeah I agree World, but also I take it for granted. Surely they will build it on an engine that is based on the one they used in Skyrim – pair that with the capabilities of the upcoming generation and we should have one epic Fallout ahead of us.

Man, I can't wait.

11 years ago

Hate to burst some bubbles, but isn't it likely they're working on Elder Scrolls Online. They announced it, surely that's taking up a lot of resources.

11 years ago

I thought that game was almost done? Man I hate it when they announce a game too early.

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/15/2013 1:57:58 PM

11 years ago

Naaah. Elder Scrolls Online is being developed by ZeniMax Online, not Bethesda. So, at the moment, they're free to do what they please. I personally want a next gen Elder Scrolls, but it's probably going to Fallout 4 which they might show at E3 but that's too soon.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
11 years ago

Skyrim was a day one purchase for me but I got to level 16 and stopped up until about a month ago. Up to level 26 now. I love it but I've got to say the combat in that game is just really frustrating. I constantly slip into sneak mode when in the middle of fighting and there is a lag in the controls. Completely unnecessary in my mind. Aiming a bow while stressed out fighting a dragon can give you a nervous breakdown. But it is beautiful and radom things that happen are glorious. The other day I'm running from two dragons and stumble upon a giant with his mammoths. So the dragons hit a mammoth and the giant gets PO'ed and winds up killing them both while I hang behind a tree hitting them with a few arrows here and there. It was quite epic I must say. Two souls the easy way. HAHA!

11 years ago

Random events like that is what I love about these kind of games.

11 years ago

Nothin' like that rush of being pursued by nearly immortal foes only to be rescued by circumstance.

11 years ago

As aggravating as the whole DLC debacle was, I still anxiously await future titles from Bethesda. Either the next Fallout or Elder Scrolls will be awesome to see. Admittedly, I am more anxious for future ES titles. There is still a lot of Tamriel to experience.

11 years ago

Fallout 4, and i really do hope it will take place in boston. I didn't blow up megaton just for the fireworks.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

hmmm, maybe if I put all of my spare time into Skyrim V starting now I'll be done with it in time for what ever this new life consuming project is.

11 years ago

So what, no resolution on the Aldmeri Dominion?! What a joke……

One of the biggest plot lines of Skyrim was the impending war with the Aldmeri Dominion…. The next Elder Scrolls will be hunreds of years into the future and not be on Skyrim, so we will never find out what happened….

I have loved the Skyrim region though, definitely my favourite, the nords are awesome.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 4/15/2013 8:06:12 PM

11 years ago

Not really, IIRC, Oblivion was set about 40 years after Morrowind. So, there's still hope. But the thing is, that you can't finish the Dominion from one province, so it needs to have at least more than 2 provinces.

Look at it this way, the Dominion has footholds in Cyrodiil, Valenwood, Elsweyr and they own Summerset Isles (I refuse to call it Alinor). So you need to remove them from Cyrodiil, Valenwood and Elsweyr first. And that can't be done in one province.

11 years ago

hmm. You make a compelling arguement.

I guess we will have to wait and see, probably what, another 4 years till the next ES?

11 years ago

f*ck elder scrolls we need a new fallout game!
this time though 3 requests.
1 more, crazier weapons and more enemy variety.
2 no more of this everywhere you have to go theres a mountain in the way!
NOTHING is more infuriating than having to go for a hour walk around mountains just to get somewhere you could of gone direct.
so f*cking frustrating having to go around things, why cant we go direct?
3 there is more colors in the broad spectrum than brown, brown and more brown!
ok its a post apocalyptic landscape, but who said nuclear bombs destroy the color palette?
those 3 things and it will be the best game ever made!
o and bring in a little more of that dream where your back in your childhood neighborhood murdering people, that was so trippy!

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