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PlayStation All-Stars Dev Not Closing, Working On New IP

If you enjoyed PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale , you should be interested in the developer's new project.

Superbot Entertainment has split from Sony, which has unfortunately resulted in a "substantial downsizing." It was announced in February that the partnership between Superbot and Sony had ended on amiable terms.

Still, Superbot director of operations David Yang has confirmed his team is currently working on a new IP. This is good news, especially because after the split with Sony, it was rumored that SuperBot was going to close. Back in February, Yang said the developer "will continue working on projects that reflect our passion for games and commitment to creating award-winning titles." So thankfully, it appears this is indeed the case, and the developer isn't going anywhere.

But what do you want to see from Superbot? Another fighting game? They probably shouldn't do another brawler, but what about PlayStation All-Stars really impressed you? What do you think they'd be good at?

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11 years ago

Good to hear of a only semi successful studio not closing down! The past year and a half or so has been ridiculous! One studio after another shutting down. And not just small ones, some pretty big ones too.

11 years ago

most, if not all, of the studios that closed have been because they made bad games so they didn't sell, they released their game when they shouldn't, for example, around the same time of bigger known or wanted games so they didn't sell, the company spend more than they should and the money they made back wasn't enough because the game didn't sell as much because it was a new IP, not enough marketing, not enough exposure or any other logical reason or because they included greedy, anti consumer practices and consumers aren't having that so their game didn't sell.

Some big ones that closed:

Zipper: had a huge, amazing, popular Socom franchise and they decided to make Socom 4 a casualized, not Socom game so their game didn't sell.

THQ: Did so many greedy, f you to consumer and anti consumer practices and also released games that weren't that good.

Liverpool: They made two amazing games but Sony didn't market them so they probably didn't sell that well.

11 years ago

THQ was changing for the better (unfortunatly too late)

But there were other studios also.

11 years ago

PlayStation All-Stars is a good game. Only problems for me are the lack-of-story mode, creative event challenges, and small roster.

The roster definitely killed potential sales but that's not their fault. They needed characters like Cloud, Crash, Spyro, Lara, Snake, etc. It's sad third-party developers (like Activision) are so stingy.

Curious to see their next game though. Granted since they "downsized" their team, I'm expecting its iOS development like Eat Sleep & Play and Lightbox Interactive.

11 years ago

The roster was their fault, one thing is not being able to get a THIRD party PlayStation icon that is out of their power, that's excusable, but not including 3rd party PS icons like Abe which the devs BEGGED to have Abe included in the game is not excusable and not including FIRST PARTY PS icons is even less excusable. And to make things worse, FIRST party PS icons were not included in the game but characters that are not PS icons got in the game before 1st party PS icons, all of that is INEXCUSABLE.

Even though that's not the only area the game is lacking, I, just like so many other gamers, would have bought the game if it didn't sell out and it actually was what it's suppose to be and that is a celebration of PlayStation and had at least most PlayStation icons and if some PS icons weren't included yet, that they made it in the game before non important characters like the stupid Dead Space guy.

And then they have the nerve to charge and worse, OVERCHARGE for lame ass, non PS icon characters?

This game went from being one of my most anticipated games of ALL TIME, to almost not caring for it at all.

11 years ago

For me, my biggest problem with the game is the whole 'only kill people with super moves.' Like. For real. I don't care if people called it a Smash clone or not, I would have rather had a smash clone with PS characters than what came out.

11 years ago

I think they needed to try something new. I like the idea of the kills with super moves, however, they weren't balanced enough. I hate not being able to stop a level 3 super, and how so many of the level 3 supers are over powered and/or are instant kill.

I do see why you weren't a fan of it though. This mechanic is very polarizing. I like the idea, but the execution is hit or miss.

11 years ago

id love to see them work on a adventure game like the good old digemon days!
seems it would suit them quite well.
maybe $ony can finally have a game to stand toe to toe with zelda!
nah, who am i kidding……..

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