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Dragon’s Crown Sorceress In Danger Of A Wardrobe Malfunction

Dragon's Crown looks like it's going to be lots of fun, especially for those who recall the good ol' days of arcade side-scrolling goodness with a great fondness.

The game has lots of appeal, and more depth than classic titles like Golden Axe . The artistic presentation is excellent, the character models are slick and clean, and the action appears to be entertaining and even downright addictive.

And then there's the Sorceress. She makes every Dead or Alive girl look like a Sunday School teacher. Her proportions are so ridiculously out of whack, one wonders how her breasts don't slap her upside the head when she jumps. She must've cast a spell on her two sizes too small bra to make it hold the way it does. Any character that goes adventuring with her should suffer a handicap of some kind; he'd be prone to just standing, mouth agape, in the midst of a battle.

Don't get what I mean? Watch this.

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11 years ago

Sure looks like a lot of fun. Huge Golden Axe fan right here. I will most definitely be playing this one later this summer.

11 years ago

Maybe that is the source or her power…right? She stores her magical essence in her Tripple F boobies and that is what makes her so powerful…. 😉

But in all honesty I don't know why they had to make them so huge. Its a little much I think.

Oh well I will be playing the fighter anyway and I'm sure when I go online I will be the only fighter amongst a slew of sorceresses.

11 years ago

It's a normal Japanese animation trope, not nearly as scandalous over there.

11 years ago

I think Bayonetta sorta falls in the same category, just different proportions are exaggerated. She has this small head and then super huge dominate female body proportions. I sorta hate it in that game.

I think what looks off here in this game isn't just that they're big o' jugs but that her bust line looks so low, like hemisphere equator low. Like as in, they must be pointing south.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/13/2013 3:31:08 PM

11 years ago

Yeah world I feel you. I just think these are bigger than anything I've seen before 😛

11 years ago

You don't watch anime then do ya? 😉

Bayonetta's tiny head really freaked me out.

11 years ago

I loves me some anime, although perhaps I watch animes that are less fixated on the breasts 😛 Like Akira, Gundam Wing, Studio Gibli stuff, Scrapped princess, Tokyo Majin, Darker than Black etc. That being a very small list of the anime I have watched.

I don't think its scandalous or wrong either, but personally I don't even like big boobies on a women. I like a nice handful perhaps a bit bigger, you know small to medium perky etc, that is what I like. So when I see them huge it just looks weird to me 😛

11 years ago

She wouldn't be out of place in something like "Sorcerer Hunters."

11 years ago

Jiggle jiggle, sway sway jiggle. Uhhh what was I gonna say? Oh yeah, this game looks like it would be fun for the old school gameplay but the price is two or three times too high.

11 years ago

I don't know if you realized this but most of that rhymed ^-^

11 years ago

Looks like a solid match for my Vita. I love these old school arcade action types.

11 years ago

So……was there a game somewhere in the midst of those two giant water balloons?

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

Definitely annoying but I hope it was fun for them to create 🙂

11 years ago

If this was the trailer of a movie it would have been *guaranteed* to suck.
– "oh heck we got nothing here guys – let's put some big boobs in there."

11 years ago

Then in the still image, she's got her staff nestled between her butt cheeks. LOL.

11 years ago

Well, its good to know that a game that this is going to probably be mediocre with them creating the Sorceress "Boobzilla" to get attention and some controversy. It worked. There is no negative publicity these days of this kind. Makes me wonder when the male character gifts will be… no actually, it does not make me wonder.

If this is a Japanese dev game then it is certainly following the stereotype of what many believe is always on their minds over there. Maybe this should be the approach to JRPG's if things are getting desperate over there.

Not my thing but I am sure its got a market for it and if they create it… surely some will go… and no, I was not going to say come <covers eyes>. Ignoring Boobzilla, hopefully the gameplay …. ugh… is a distraction.

Next game please…

Keep Playing!

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