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BioWare Waiting To “Blow Everyone Away” With Inquisition

It's true that we don't know much about the upcoming Dragon Age . But that isn't because BioWare is "afraid" to let the details loose. They're just waiting for the right time.

BioWare representative Blair Brown has responded to fan criticism concerning the lack of info for Dragon Age III: Inquisition . They wanted to make it clear that EA doesn't dictate when the developer releases details for their games:

"We decide when we are ready to reveal information (not EA), which is not yet, we are waiting for the perfect moment to blow everyone away. We are not 'afraid'."

All we really know is that Inquisition will be using the new Frostbite 3 engine, which will also be on display in Battlefield 4 and the new Mass Effect entry. Personally, being more a fan of fantasy than sci-fi, I'm far more interested in Dragon Age III , and I hope BioWare has taken fan feedback into account. For instance, I'd like to be able to fully equip all my party members, thank you. Oh, and much bigger areas to explore.

Related Game(s): Dragon Age III: Inquisition

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11 years ago

Well I loved Dragon Age: Origins. I never got 2 because of the criticism and feedback from friends. Unfortunately despite it still being good, I dont like when games get dumbed down from the previous entries. Theres a reason why people like Dragon Age, why change it? I just dont get that.

11 years ago

To try to get the mainstream action fans of course 😛

11 years ago

I feel the same way. Its funny that the whole reason Dragon Age sold well in the first place was because it was a return to CRPG roots, something that hadn't been done before in a while.

For some reason with DA 2 they thought it would be better to take out most of the things people liked about DA:O and well that just didn't go over with the fans well.

11 years ago

Yeah, I mean you are 100% correct World.

We are all on the same page here. Im not a business major but, I dont see the philosophy in taking something thats proven and trying to cater to another crowd next time. Because Iin this case you have now alienated ths crowd the game appealed to in the first place. That not only effects things in the now, but in the future as well. We've seen it all generation long with FF, we've also seen it happen almost overnight with Dragon Age. I'm hoping that whatever they are waiting to show is worthwhile otherwiseethe effects will last…

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/13/2013 12:28:22 AM

11 years ago

Well they can wait as long as they like, as I said before I'm going to be more careful with purchases published by EA from now on. And I'm not all that keen on macromanaging an entire city/kingdom's inquisition, just give me a ragtag band of folks with a snowball's chance in hell of saving the world (the BIG world) and watch me go to work!

11 years ago

I am glad they are waiting. I don't like when these companies release information too early, it locks them in on certain details and also gives fuel to the internet to start complaining "why is it taking so longgg?"

Origins was awesome and DA2 is also a great game, though as you pointed out Ben the lack of being able to equip my team was infuriating to say the least. Other then that it was a very solid game, I didn't have a major problem with them recycling the enviroment over and over and the difficulty on nightmare was definitely a welcomed adventure for me as most games nowadays are just to easy.

I am looking forward to the third installment and am more than willing to wait for it.

11 years ago

I agree with everything you say here.
It is indeed annoying when you start hearing stuff about a game too early before release. And DA2 were a good game too! Yup it was. It had just a few glaring flaws, other than that it was a wonderful game.

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/13/2013 3:28:48 PM

11 years ago

I'm just curious how they are going to implement micro transactions into this game. EA said they were going to be part of all of their games moving forward so I'm wondering exactly how that is going to fit into the new Dragon Age.

I'm probably not going to get this, I made a deal with my soul a long time ago not to purchase anything from EA until they smarten up, and unless this game is devoid of micros, and has all the great features that DA:O had well I will be skipping it.

I also wonder how they plan on blowing everyone away. Is it just going to be really pretty? I just can't see them showing me something that really blows me away.

Journey, blew me away, I doubt this game will have the same effect on me.

11 years ago

I'm sure they will sell all the really cool looking weapons and armor as microtransactions.

11 years ago

Can't wait for another BioWare adventure. I really can not wait. It feels like *forever* since ME3.

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