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From Software Reveals That Dark Souls Continues To Sell

Not everyone wants their hand held throughout a game. And some are tough enough to handle what From Software can dish out. How's about you?

The developer has confirmed that the punishing yet widely acclaimed and beloved Dark Souls has sold over 2.3 million units worldwide since the title's release in October 2011.

Executive director Eiichi Nakajim revealed the number during a recent event in Japan, and it's almost double the 1.19 million copies that were sold as of March 31, 2012. At the time, publisher Namco Bandai thanked Dark Souls for helping the company have its strongest fiscal year since 2008. What this means is that in the past year, the game has remained a solid seller, as more and more gamers are interested in testing the waters. It's a great title and worthy of that attention, and it's definitely rewarding…if you can conquer its many obstacles. That's why difficult games are so satisfying!

The sequel is currently in development and it's scheduled to arrive on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, presumably later this year.

Related Game(s): Dark Souls

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11 years ago

Its seems like Dark Souls (atleast around here) got a lot more popular all the sudden. I probably know like 15+ people who got the game in the past few months and plenty of people talking about it. I don't remember that happening when it came out. Its on my list to get but I want to finish demon souls first.

11 years ago

Good to hear! I absolutely love Dark Souls, although I'm not very good at it and often get my butt kicked by the enemies. I think I've honestly only beaten one boss. Nonetheless, the sales are very well deserved! Can't wait to get my hands on DS2 later this year!

11 years ago

Dark souls 2 will be out next year.

11 years ago

This is one of the few games that I truly enjoy.
Hunting its platinum was painful task though. and btw dark souls 2 is using a brand new engine and looks absolutely amazing.

11 years ago

I'm still amazed you've not reported on the new 12 min gameplay footage for Dark Souls II and all the newly released info from two days ago. But I'm absolutely thrilled that you managed to report on yet another politician yakking about blah blah blah…c'mon mate. Report on the news that will bring more people through the site. I'm not taking a crack at ya but even get one of the new contributors to write it up if you don't have the time.

Last edited by frostface on 4/12/2013 2:17:22 PM

11 years ago

Did you send a news tip?

11 years ago

Demon's Souls is free for PSPlus members in case anyone hasn't checked the store lately.

11 years ago

World, do you have PSPlus and if so do you recommend it?

11 years ago

I do have Plus and I definitely recommend it, but mainly for the hardcore gamer who wants to/has time to play lots of different kinds of games. Basically it pays for itself many times over during the year with the free offerings. And if something doesn't strike you well just wait and something else will come along. In addition to all the PS3 games I already have a Vita library full and ready to go and I don't even have a Vita yet.

11 years ago

One of the best games I've ever played.

11 years ago

I agree with Dante399. Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls are two of the best games I have ever played.
Its an experiences that every RPG fan should have.

11 years ago

The souls games are truly amazing. I'm so glad this game is selling well. I would imagine it getting on to steam helped with those numbers.

I'm hoping DS2 keeps everything great about the souls games and builds upon it.

I'm a bit worried about DS2 because miyazaki isn't involved so I will wait and see before I buy it.

11 years ago

Cool , can t wait for dark souls 2 , i have no doubt it will sell even more and i hope their will be another 24 hour marathon on ign a little before the game comes out .

11 years ago

Since it is now free for ps+ subscribers, i downloaded Demons Souls, the combat is what ultimately got me interested in trying it out, but i am not a hardcore RPG fan. Some reviews mentioned that this is pretty much a game for that niche RPG audience. Any advice from those who have played?

11 years ago

don't feel bad about using the wiki online. The makers meant for the game to be used in that way. also, if you want to control the light and dark tendencies easier, play offline. that, and don't worry about dying, its gonna happen

11 years ago

played it and loved it. I'm playing demon's souls right now again, and can't believe how easy it is now. so funny

11 years ago

Haha – enough of the "are you tough enough" machismo – Dark and Demons Souls aren't 'hard' (I think Dark Souls can be speedrun in under a couple of hours, if I recall, although don't put your house on this) – they're more very unforgiving and a little sadomasochistic – oh, and designed for people that never get interrupted (like seriously, what's wrong with a pause button – if the doorbell rings in an awkward moment in Demon's Souls, you're royally screwed).

Don't get me wrong, I acknowledge they're great games (pause button decision aside – way to screw over gamers who have families or get phone calls), but I'd urge caution before heading down the "I've played Demons/Dark Souls, ergo I am a better breed of gamer" path ;).

It is absolutely excellent to see these kind of ideas getting success as well – shows that we're not headed for a future of 1000 FPS' :).

Last edited by Axe99 on 4/12/2013 7:10:09 PM

11 years ago

If you don't rely on the *wiki* and play it as it should be, it is hard. This is the type that is hard because all enemies have a certain way of defeating them that you do not know of at first. Even when you explore areas… There are so many traps and dangerous paths.

Sure, once you know about it all it's an easy game but the people who speed run it know the game by heart and planned every move.

Playing that game and overcoming it ON YOUR OWN really makes you:

"I've played Demons/Dark Souls, ergo I am a better breed of gamer"

Next time try it without any guides or summoning friendly phantoms on your first play-through and then talk about it. 😛

Now sure you can tell me: BUT I DID I AM SO GOOD. But I don't believe you. Unless you are GOD and can see the future, you can't foresee all the traps and gloomy situations that await you in that game. Anyway, if you are a GOD, that would make you un-human and thus your opinion would not apply to us mortals who can't predict the future 😛

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 4/13/2013 1:07:57 AM

11 years ago

Exactly – that was my issue with Demons Souls, and why I've let the series pass me by – it's designed to sucker-punch you with kills you can't see, and then by design you have to grind your way back to where you died. Usually, after one or two deaths you've worked out what's going on, but oh the tedium – all that grinding, to me, was worse than the worst MMO 'grinding' filler I've played – because once you know how to get by, it's just rinse-wash-repeat. Compare that with something like Killzone 2, where the superlative AI means each time you run through a level you have to keep thinking, and it just doesn't hold up. Accordingly, after seven and a half hours, I put it down and didn't go back – there were more enjoyable things for me to be playing elsewhere, some of which were just as hard as what DS threw at me.

Indeed, what the Souls franchise does isn't put more harder in front of you – you have just as much learning to do as in other games – it just punishes you really hard when you die. I'd wager it's just as _hard_ to knock over Killzone 2 on whatever the top level is, but that you don't have to spend near as much time repeating mindless stuff again and again and again.

We're getting a bit into semantics here (is better how good you are at overcoming challenges, or is better how good you are at persevering through repetition, for example), but if you're looking purely at skill in gaming, the Souls games aren't any harder than other games – they just punish you far harder when you die.

So I don't think there's any evidence that anyone who's finished Demons or Dark Souls is a _better_ gamer, but I think there's a lot to be said about them being more patient and persevering ;).

Last edited by Axe99 on 4/13/2013 4:24:30 AM

11 years ago

I agree with your latest post for the most part. But I Have to add that the definition of what makes a game hard will vary depending on the user.

To me, that feeling of uneasyness and the fact that they put you in a harsh environement without anything but your intuition is what made it hard and enjoyable because what was hard at first, I came to master. Also looking at people still trying when you mastered it is pretty gratifying. 🙂

Now I also have to add that once you master the game mechanics and if you have skill and are not too hasty, you will survive your first encounter with most bosses. You have to step back and analyse. Something most other games don't do. To me games like killzone and the likes are not hard because there are so many shooters out there that I got used to it and within 5 mins of playing the game I will be able to *grind through* like you said. To me that feels much more repetitive than a game where you actually have to learn a new way of fighting with each new challenge. But to each his own challenges. I just did not like the fact that you said "enough with the *are you tough enough*" in your first post. But anyway you countered that yourself in your second post by saying that it did take a lot of perseverance to go through that game so I got no problem there 😀

11 years ago

Aye, I'm deffo not saying I have anything against Dark Souls fans, and I'm absolutely _not_ saying the game doesn't take skill. I just find that it's often used by some gamers less as a game and more as a status symbol to say "I'm a tougher gamer than you are", and I dislike this general attitude almost everywhere (not just in games), but particularly here when difficulty can vary in form so wildly between genres.

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