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Lost Planet 3 Pushed Back Again

Not to sound like a broken record or anything, but…

Capcom has once again delayed Lost Planet 3 . The anticipated new entry has already been delayed a few times; the last delay put the title at June 25 for North America.

However, now the publisher has pushed the game back to August 27, when it will launch in North America for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. It'll be available in Europe three days later. Capcom didn't provide us with any reason as to the cause of the delay, but we're betting the fans are getting a little antsy. At first, the game held an estimated April 2012 date, which was eventually pushed to a tentative "early 2013" window, and then it finally landed at June 25. But obviously, the developers at Spark Unlimited new a few more months.

This isn't encouraging news, especially because Spark Unlimited doesn't exactly have the best track record. After all, they did produce the very mediocre Legendary and Turning Point: Fall of Liberty , which I didn't play but heard was even worse.

Related Game(s): Lost Planet 3

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11 years ago

This game is anticipated? lol 😛

11 years ago

Well, I am interested. I thought LP2 were pretty good in coop. In fact it was totally decent.

11 years ago

I wonder if some games (franchises) became popular because they were one of the first out of the gate when there was very little on offer from other games. I remember having fun with the first Lost Planet, only because there wasn't much else to play. Now? Well that's a different story.

11 years ago

I stand corrected 🙂

11 years ago

lack of media interest?
lack of developer showings?
consistent delays, and no reasons as to why?
yup, does not take a professor of advanced mathematics to put those together!
in short the developers are not showing off the game, crapcom barely mentions it, keeps getting delayed with no reason as to why, diagnosis?
the game sucks!
shame, the reveal trailer looked SO cool!

11 years ago

Never judge a book by its cover…

11 years ago

hard not to.
theres being optimistic, and theres being gullible.
if this turns out half decent ill eat my hat!

11 years ago

I follow the team on twitter and they're always showing off screenshots and whatnot. Its shaping up to look great and from what i've been seeing(not meaning bad but as in fixing any bugs instead of patching the game 23 times. lost planet 2 had 2 patches. that was it.), they can take some more time to polish it some more. The game wasn't in development for 7 years like a certain game we all know about.

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