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Battlefield 4 Poll Shows Little Interest In Single-Player Campaign

As if this comes as any gigantic surprise, right?

As is typically the case these days, the majority of consumers purchase a first-person shooter for the multiplayer component. And of course, the upcoming Battlefield 4 is a FPS.

If you check the official Battlefield Blog , you'll see an example of multiplayer's widespread popularity: According to their current poll, 82% of gamers are more interested in the multiplayer than the single-player aspect of DICE's new shooter. There have been around 40k votes tallied thus far. Only 18% of participants are saying they're more looking forward to the campaign, which probably won't be a problem for EA, because they've already said the campaign will actually boast online aspects. There will also be no co-op choice for the campaign, which we'll miss because it was a nice option in Battlefield 3 .

Well, so long as the multiplayer is good, the game will sell. This has been the case for most big shooters over the past few years.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 4

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11 years ago

Hi EA, I know you are out there and you read this site so do yourself a favor and bring back the Battlefield Bad Company series. You know Medal of Honor has not gotten the job done and Battlefield Bad Company 2 is still going strong online. Compare the traffic on the server if you do not believe me.
Your friend,

11 years ago

Well most shooters put out such horrible campaigns that anyone who cares about single player has given up. I consider myself more of a single player type of gamer but I do enjoy multiplayer from time to time. So I wish that games like CoD would stop pretending anyone plays for the single player and just ditch it and put every ounce of their resources into a kick ass multiplayer (and zombies for CoD).

Battlefield is similar to CoD but I think it has a bit better single player.

11 years ago

What that's such a high percentage is there even a reason to make a single player campaign anymore? The commercial for this game looks sick though.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

Yeah but who did they poll? People that play online all the time? I could come up with a poll to show single player rules by asking the right people.

11 years ago

I'm okay with BF being multiplayer only. That's pretty much how it got it's start anyway. Didn't need the single player to begin with.

11 years ago

I like your viewpoint, and it seems that you are in the majority, but I'm sure there are others out there like me that would have never tried a BF game without the SP aspect getting put into it. Especially considering the fact that my first BF game was Bad Company, and that was a great game.

That being said, I would have never touched a CoD game without the SP component being present either, and I am now as far from being interested in CoD as one could possibly be even with its SP.

I prefer BF many times over CoD, and am interested in getting BF4 sometime around launch, but no definite plans.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 4/8/2013 4:30:41 PM

11 years ago

The Battlefield Bad Company games are sure to please both single and multiplayer.
The problem with the single player these days is that not much of a challenge, I think devs should expand the SP campaigns and let you explore more areas. Oh yah, hope devs can implement the weapon sounds from Medal of Honor to there upcoming FPS games.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

I guess I'm wierd. I only play CoD and BF for the single player. Could care less for MP. I have tried it tho.

Here's how it goes…die,die,kill,die,kill,kill,die,die,kill,die,kill, die………..ho-hum….oh look I unlocked a gun.

11 years ago

Better than paying extra money.

11 years ago

Sounds like every other MP FPS.

Freedom Or Fire
Freedom Or Fire
11 years ago

And because Dice cares nothing anymore about SP campaign or SP dlc they can take their game and shove it. The main reason their SP campaigns are pitiful is because their time and effort is put towards MP. MP rakes in the money, map pack after map pack. Strike while the iron is hot and I don't blame them for that, but no love for an SP Campaign player I don't respect that. I can care less about Multiplayer but they can have it their way. They won't get my money. Hello Bethesda and Rockstar Games, how are ya?

11 years ago

I liked the Battlefield 3 single player only reason i played it. shame it was so short though. Didn't touch multiplayer.

11 years ago

god people are f*cking stupid!
they go vote like this on poles, than b*tch that games like this have such short crap campaigns.
hmmmmmmm, i wonder why!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
i always said aliens are abducting people at nights and removing their brains as a standing gag.
but you know what, im now starting to become convinced, they really ARE removing peoples brains!
how else can society be THIS f*cking stupid!?

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