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Disney Shuts Down LucasArts

It's a famous name in the world of video games, and now it's gone. So sad.

Last year, Disney acquired LucasFilm and LucasArts in a massive $4.05 billion deal but now, it has been confirmed that Disney is shutting down the legendary LucasArts.

Here's an explanatory statement from Disney:

"After evaluating our position in the games market, we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company's risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games. As a result of this change, we've had layoffs across the organization. We are incredibly appreciative and proud of the talented teams who have been developing our new titles."

Those who are old enough will remember LucasArts' earliest works, including titles like Maniac Mansion . The team was a huge contributor to the previously popular adventure genre, as they produced iconic franchises such as The Secret of Monkey Island , Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango . And of course, LucasArts has produced quite a few Star Wars projects; speaking of which, the upcoming Star Wars 1313 might still make its way to market. The developers are looking for a new partner, so hopefully that'll be successful.

As for Star Wars: First Assault , the multiplayer shooter that has been in the works, we're not sure. Well, guess it's time to say goodbye to a long-time industry mainstay, and that's always tough to do.

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11 years ago

Thats horrible. I grew up on LucasArts games.

11 years ago

It's sad, but I can't really blame them. The studio hasn't produced anything worthwhile in a long time. Better to license it out and get some quality games than to continue throwing money down the drain.

11 years ago

I still remember playing the very first Rebel Assault on PC. Awesome game.

It's a shame, but I hope Star Wars 1313 doesn't get affected by this.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Even though I have never watched Star Wars, I did play a few of the games LucasArts developed. The game I remember is Bounty Hunter. The only reason I know of LucasArts existence is because of the title Bounty Hunter, LucasArts popped up in the boot up. LucasArts is so easy to stick in the brain.

Anyway, it's sad there won't possibly be a Bounty Hunter sequel. I had such enjoyment playing that game. Is LucasArts also responsible for STARWARS BATTLEFRONT? Because if it is, then it's not a good day to be a gamer… along LucasArts termination goes any hope for a sequel to STARWARS BATTLEFRONT II.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Did…did you just say you never watched Star Wars?

That is only a legitimate excuse if you grew up with no electronics or no electricity.

Last edited by Nas Is Like on 4/4/2013 1:25:11 AM

11 years ago

Burn the heretic! 🙂

11 years ago

I only know one person (my age) that hasn't seen Star Wars and he is definitely not a gamer either.

My problem are young kids these days (I can't believe I just said "kids these days") whose only knowledge about Star Wars comes exclusively from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

11 years ago

must of been a treckie

11 years ago

Wow. I don't know if I ever met anyone who hasn't seen Star Wars! And I mean anybody! My dearly departed Grandma had even seen it.

They did do Battlefront (tragic loss although it looked like they were never going to do another anyways) and the rumors don't look great for 1313…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I didn't even know Star Wars existed till I saw a commercial for the CartoonNetwork show, an animated series.

11 years ago

Trekkie's worlds are all upside down now with Sulu (George Takei) being a jedi in the next star wars movie.

Yeah, don't know how you could never have heard of star wars. When I was 6 or 7, my parents (both of them) sat me down to watch the original trilogy. Episodes 1-3 didn't release until I was a teenager.

What's kinda cool, despite the newer episodes being of questionable acting quality, is that I was the same age at their releases as my dad was at the original releases. That was kinda special for us.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 4/4/2013 4:49:34 PM

11 years ago

Whoops, actually LucasArts just published Battlefront. Pandemic was the developer. My bad.

11 years ago

this is a quote I had not noticed in other news sources: "achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games"

that gives me a new hope

pun intended

11 years ago

but, but, but.
this is ABSURD!
this is THE most ridiculous decision since $ony canned 8 days and the getaway 3 for a freaking crappy kids game!
no, scratch that this is the most ridiculous decision since M$ bought rare and restricted them to freaking kinect games!
no, scratch that this is the most ridiculous decision in the history of the universe!
lucasarts gone?
WTF are these morons smoking!?

ok the past 2 SWTFU games have been pretty mediocre, but to close the studio all together.
im gobsmacked!
im hopping on a plane, flying around the world to find the worlds biggest stinkiest fish, than flying to these morons and slapping them with it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, till they reverse this absurd decision!

11 years ago

When I heard the news that Disneys owns everything Star Wars… well I expect to a Mickey Mouse stickers or poster in the Star Wars franchise in futures. OR changes in diaolgue from:

"Red 5 standing by" to "Goofy 5 standing by"


"Rogue 1 to Rogue Leader" to "Mickey 1 to Mickey Mouse"

Hmmm. Might work. As for Lucasarts … ugh… here comes nostalgia. I remember when…. nope not going there. But it is sad to see a long running company go down for the count. One of many.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

Got the original Star Wars and watched it with my 7 year old son. Thought it would be a good bonding experience. He kept asking all the way through it when the proper characters would appear and where was Annikin. Damn you George Lucas.

Fond memories of playing LucasArts Indiana Jones and the Search for Atlantis on my Amiga swapping 11 floppy disks for each scene change or when you wanted to check your inventory. Classic times!

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