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PSXE Poll Update: Bioshock Infinite Needs More Love, Peeps

Hmm…some of you don't seem to understand. Bioshock Infinite is the best game of 2013 so far.

Our recent poll results are in, and although the majority of voters did indeed say they'd grab the new Bioshock effort on day one, it was still a very close contest. Nearly as many participators said they won't get it at all! Well, okay, maybe it isn't your cup of tea; at least we can hope that those who were waiting for reviews were convinced by the critical acclaim.

It's just one of those very special games that stick with you for a long time. Good games are more like satisfying flashes in the pan. They come, they go, you were pleased and entertained for a while and that was about it. But truly elite titles like Bioshock Infinite continue to linger around your memory banks for quite some time after you're done, and that alone should be incentive to try it. Anyway, this week, it's time to pick the winner in the most recent installment of our ongoing So You Think You Can Review Video Games user review contest.

Pick your favorite:

Temjin001, for God of War: Ascension (single player)

Remo Williams, for Persona 4 Golden

pavlovic, for Sleeping Dogs

JROD0823, for Tomb Raider

Sol, for Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Gorilla Biscuit, for Dishonored

city96, for SSX

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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11 years ago

Bioshock Infinite needs more love. It actually is the best game of 2013 so far.

Do Yourself a favor and play it

11 years ago

Definitely my GOTY so far, I don't want my quest and time with Elizabeth to end 🙂

11 years ago

anybody else flip that silly cover over to show the good one on their box?

11 years ago

I sure did. Love that art style. Makes the game case 100 times prettier.

11 years ago

great game, ending was trippy as hell…colombia is rapture (not really a spoiler just something to think about)

11 years ago

better not be or I'll wear you like a hat

11 years ago

I was one of the ones that said I wasn't getting it. I played 20 minutes of the first Bioshock and decided to avoid any game that has "Bioshock" in it's name from now on.

11 years ago


11 years ago


I'm sorry you feel that way about the Bioshock series.

I am curious as to just how much of the game you actually got to play in that 20 minutes, because the scenes before the crash, the actual crash, getting to the lighthouse, and descending in the bathysphere take at least half that time, if not more.

I think you missed out on one of the real gems of this generation, friend.

11 years ago

Honestly, it couldn't have been anymore than 30 minutes. I was well into some action, it just wasn't for me. I might try it again someday.

11 years ago

I had almost the same reaction i dont know if i didnt like it because the first one was exclusive to the Xbox or because the gameplay didnt fit what i thought were great FPS games but after playing Infinite i sure did love the story and gameplay, so i might as well play the first two since there were both almost free.

11 years ago

I haven't gotten around to playing the first 2 bioshock games yet. Keep in mind that first person and horror are my 2 least favorite things to play and that I have like 30 games waiting for me to play them before you judge too harshly though.

I'm sure I'll play it eventually.

11 years ago

I'd not call Bioshock "horror". They are a bit creepy at times, sure, but even I have been able to complete them and I am the worst chicken of them all when it comes to scariness.
Most of all Bioshock are fantastic adventures with embedded, intelligent commentaries about human weaknesses and faults. They are first person, sure, but not mindless shooters. They can often remind of action RPGs only from a first person perspective.

And now I'm just talking about the first two. I've not gotten Infinite yet but I am 100% sure Infinite is like the rest: Games that every gamer should have played.

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/1/2013 11:40:19 AM

11 years ago

they don't scare me, I'm just not into zombies and creepy dark hallway scenarios and things that make up the horror genre.

I like suspense, but a lot of things that make up the horror genre just don't do anything for me.

11 years ago

good game.
dunno if id call it a great game, just does not offer enough innovation and evolution over the original bioshock.
if anything devolution would be a better word simply because bioshock had so many cool features for god knows what reason they removed for this!
story is a bit barren too, when its there it hits you hard, but thats the problem.
it really gets boring towards the middle because you have already done what your doing gameplay wise, ie fighting morons, for 10+ hours now.
so its boring because of that, its boring because there really is no world iteration, the games suddenly gone super linear, and the story is pretty much non existent!
such a shame how inconsistent it is.
when its great its freaking brilliant, yet you so rarely see those very slight very infrequent glimpses.

11 years ago

You haven't played the game as usual. Just repeating something you heard on 4chan or reddit no doubt.

The game has not once gotten linear on me, there is still places to explore, side quests to do and loot to find.

The game is linear if you follow the arrow the whole time, but if you do that your missing out on half of the game content.

Put the game on Hard, the fights are way more interesting and you actually have to think a little bit before you fight. Although it still isn't hard compared to some of the games I play it is still very enjoyable.

Very slight infrequent glimpses….again you clearly haven't played the game, the whole first 5 or so hours maybe more is brilliance, even more so when you figure out the mind trip stuff that is going on. Playing through it a second time is even more enjoyable because you have this way different perspective on certain characters.

There is nothing inconsistent about it except for in the middle the story the narrative takes a back seat for a moment, but you learn more about elizibeth, and you see the relationship with dewitt and her change.

You bash almost every single game that is released like you have played it, which I'm sorry but I can't believe you actually buy every single video game thats ever released.

What I do know is that you haven't played this game or you just followed the arrow and missed out on half of what the game has to offer.

11 years ago

There's a lot of innovation and clever gameplay implementation here, nothing has been removed. You are insane.

11 years ago


I know, everything that was in the first bioshock is there, except you can shoot your abilities without switching weapons. The game is bigger and more open and has more exploration than the original.

The only thing that I wish was improved my only complaint, is that it would have been nice if certain enemies required certain vigors to kill them. But I can see they wanted to give people freedom so they didn't go that route.

Underscore man is bat crap crazy about half the games he complains about.

11 years ago

so the hacking mini games are still there?
how about being able to lay traps?
how about hacking vending machines?
what about the really creepy horror undertone and atmosphere thats made the series so great?
yea, thats what i thought!

11 years ago

The only thing they took out was the hacking mini game. You can hack vending machines with a vigor and you get money from it. The atmosphere is different, and again you clearly haven't played it because there are parts in the game that are quite creepy much like the first game. The tone being conveyed here is different not worse, but I would argue the atmosphere is way better. You get to watch the city go from this lush colourful painting to ruins, unlike the first bioshock where everything was already destroyed when you got there.

You can lay traps with your vigors as well, clearly you demonstrated how you haven't played the game at all and are just spewing out nonsense you heard online.

Lets see what they did right now?

-Bigger world with more sidequests
-More guns
-New vigors and vigor combos
-incredible atmosphere and a less depressing setting for over half of the game.
-more upgrade options for your character including outfits, upgrade vials, and vigor and weapon upgrades.
-interaction with elizibeth, they somehow managed to make you care about this girl unlike most people have ever cared for an AI companion in a game. She isn't annoying, and you genuinely want to protect her.
-a ridiculously cool story which I wont spoil, which the first bioshock had as well.

So you say the game fails because basically it doesn't have hacking anymore. Elizibeth does the hacking and lock picking for you this time around.

Your three things that you say the game is lacking are NOT what made bioshock bioshock. Sure hacking would have been nice to have in there, but I surely wasn't absorbed by Bioshock for hours and multiple playthroughs because of the bloody hacking minigames. In fact they were one of the WORST parts of the game because of how they interupted the game flow. Your other point about the traps is just wrong so no need to go over that again not to mention it was one plasmid that was the trap plasmid in Infinite almost all vigors have a trap feature and all have a charge feature. The horror undertone is your personal preference and not entirely why Bioshock 1 was so critically aclaimed.


Your four points are all wrong, 3 are factually wrong and your point about the ton is personal preference and doesn't apply to what made BS1 great.

11 years ago

Infinite is on my wishlist. I cannot afford it, and am behind on a vast majority of my gaming schedule, but I intend to obtain it when the time comes. I wasn't waiting on a review, and I'm not biased towards the series, I'm just broke is all. I knew Infinite wouldn't disappoint. That is something that could be seen even if you do not have an eye for quality. Anyone with the gall to refer to themselves as a gamer should check this out.

11 years ago

Definately will get, played the time trial on ps plus, got hooked in and then it expired lol. When i actually have some money i'll buy this and tomb raider

11 years ago

I'm playing Infinite right now but it's on PC. I've kind of put my PS3 to the side since I built my first new PC. Besides that though the game is amazing and crazy fun. Well worth the wait in my opinion. GOTY so far for me.

11 years ago

I wonder if part of the problem is that with finances being tight and there being an increase in annual releases, there just isn't any money left to go round. Last games I could afford to buy were Dishonored and AC3 each at 25% discount and then I bought Darksiders 1 and 2 on PSN for £15 together.

The more 8-10 scoring games that are released, the lower the sales volume will be until there's a price drop.

11 years ago

I have it from day 1 but yet to play it.. I know what's taking so long lol I'm hoping to start this weekend 🙂 first weekend freee in a long time.

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