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Tomb Raider Breaks First Week Sales Record For Franchise

Tomb Raider is one of the best games of 2013 so far, and millions have already enjoyed it.

In fact, developer Crystal Dynamics has confirmed that the well-received reboot has set the franchise sales record in its first week of availability.

Studio boss Darrell Gallagher revealed that no other installment in the long-running series sold as many copies as the latest effort in week one. He also claims the game had the "biggest opening" of the year so far, although with the recent launch of the acclaimed Bioshock Infinite , Tomb Raider may soon lose that crown. But with 3.4 million units sold and 1 million players logged in just 48 hours, there's no doubt that Crystal Dynamics produced a gem.

The only problem is that Square Enix considers those 3.4 million sales "disappointing," as the title unfortunately needed at least 5 million according to analyst Billy Pidgeon. Obviously, there's a business side of this that went screwy, but at least we know gamers love the new Lara.

Related Game(s): Tomb Raider

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11 years ago

also its only £20 on the EU PSN for yesterday and today only! if that doesnt boost sales, I dont know what will… good ol Sony! for once they actually got something bang on in regards to pricing in the EU PSN! 🙂

11 years ago

Thanx for the heads-up dude.

11 years ago

I'd nab it if that was true in the US.

11 years ago

just looked and they have extended it from the 29th to the 31st.. maybe it was always the 31st? I dunno.

anyway, anyone in the UK/EU with a spare £20 and who hasn't played this yet.. just remember that you cant even get it 2nd hand for that price right now, let alone having the online pass and the dlc it comes with the digi version.

its a no brainer.

Last edited by dillonthebunny on 3/30/2013 11:30:17 AM

11 years ago

I finished playing it through last weekend and it was a great game. I'm eagerly anticipating another one in the future.

11 years ago

Maybe it's just me but does a multi-platform title has to sell 5 million copies to be considered successful?
If I'm not mistaken, a few publishers also target 5 million for their game sales.

11 years ago

Not unless there has been rampant money and resource mismanagement within the company. Amalur sold very well for a new RPG IP but apparently it needed something like 4-5 million to be profitable and thus the dev croaked thanks to internal problems. SE just screams internal problems to me, even if Crystal Dynamics did all the actual work the fact that the publisher expects such high sales is a good indicator of mismanagement of funds.

11 years ago

and yet there still winging about sales!
christ, not every game is COD $E!

11 years ago

Actually pretty damn good sales and it's a fantastic game. SE is a joke these days though, hopefully Crystal Dynamics can get off that sinking ship and we'll be able to get more TR games from them in the future.

11 years ago

They better make another…

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