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Newly Formed Crytek USA Wants To Bring Darksiders Home

When THQ went down, I hoped Darksiders would find a home ASAP. And although it wasn't one of the first IPs to go, it seems there's a serious bidder.

It's Crytek USA. According to studio CEO David Adams, who founded Darksiders developer Vigil Games, by the way, Crytek is going to bid on the successful franchise. Here's what Adams said on Twitter :

"Going to bid on Darksiders IP. Put seven years of heart and soul into that franchise, and I think it belongs at home with its creators."

Vigil and Darksiders have been floating out at sea since THQ started selling off their assets in January. Fortunately, Crytek opened up an American office – led by Adams and 35 other Vigil team members – and now it seems the series could be coming home. That'd be great, 'cuz I want a third title ASAP. If you didn't play last year's excellent Darksiders II , do yourself a favor and play it. It's just so much fun.

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11 years ago

That is good to hear, 'siders II is a great game (I love Dust and Despair and the Makers) and a whole quadrilogy should really exist. Imagine the next ones on the Cryengine.

11 years ago

I am elated. Darksiders 2 was clearly a do-or-die/all-or-nothing effort jampacked with at least a couple games worth of content, yet so beautifully stream-lined and cohesive, and so it was tragic to hear the sudden closing of the studio, and the possible and premature end to the series. Those guys are talented, and they worked their butts off, so, it was especially disappointing to see them go unrewarded. I am glad to see the possibility of a next entry and that original talent could be at the helm.

11 years ago

I am super excited or this. I want to see the story of the horesemen come to an end.

I hope they get the IP and make another stellar game.

11 years ago

both good and bad.
good because darksiders is one of the best new IPs this gen, so seeing it killed after 2 titles would be the biggest injustice since $ony canned 8 days and the getaway 3 for freaking eyepet!
bad because crytek say from now on all there games are going free to play and that will destroy the game!
id much rather see one of the generations best new franchises killed off too soon, than one of the generations best new franchises milked, dragged through the mud, and whored out!

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

Just FYI – I saw Darksiders II on clearance at BestBuy yesterday for $14.99. Definitely a bargain!

11 years ago

When they first bought Vigil they announced that the new studio wasn't going to work on Darksiders, and they had no plans to buy the IP….

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