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Sony Releases Six Minutes Of Rain

One of our most anticipated PlayStation Network exclusives is Rain , which features one of the more artistic and intriguing concepts out there.

Now, Sony has released six minutes of gameplay footage. As you can see, there's a lot to like; the idea is that we'll control a lost boy who is chasing an almost invisible girl. The story sounds interesting, too.

Players have to avoid these shadowy apparitions while chasing the girl, and the game clearly offers a mixture of stealth and puzzle elements. As we already knew, the boy can only be seen when standing in the rain, which could prove problematic if there weren't some visual and sound cues so you're always aware of your positioning. This footage is from the first chapter, which is called "The Children and the Night." There's some minor platforming involved, too, and all in all, it really has a ton of potential. Now we just need a release date…