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Borderlands 2 Psycho Pack Dated, Level Cap Rises On April 2

Ready for another vault hunter?

Borderlands 2 is definitely one of the best games of the generation, and developer Gearbox Software has only made it better with frequent content updates.

They just announced the latest: The Psycho Pack, which will be available in May for $9.99 (800 Microsoft Points) and introduces you to Krieg, the new Psycho Bandit character class. You don't mess with this dude up close; he wields a buzz axe and has a serious multiple personality complex. In addition to being a supremely powerful melee mauler, he also has a variety of ranged attack capabilities. Krieg can stack combat bonuses with his Bloodlust skill tree, he can "live on the edge of insanity" with the Mania tree, or he can cause flames to erupt on the battlefield with the Hellborn tree.

It has also been revealed that the level cap will be raised from 50 to 61 on April 2 thanks to the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack. This is included as part of the Season Pass, and this upgrade will even unlock a third play-through via the new Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. So yeah, time for more Borderlands 2 , don't you think?

Related Game(s): Borderlands 2

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11 years ago

Yea im not fond of melee characters for this game. Zero just isn't very good at the higher levels, unless he is wielding a sniper rifle. Dont get me wrong he is a big help, but alone… ugh. So I really need to see the skill tree before I decide if its a character I want to start over with… let alone pay for.

Im not happy this level increase is part of the season pass. I didnt purchase the season pass because characters were not involved and I didnt mind paying for expansions, and they never, ever said the level increase would be part of it, EVER. Otherwise that actually would have persuaded me to purchase it. Now ive already spent just as much as the season pass holders on dlc and NOW I have to buy the level increase. Thats just BS. That is something I typically would not pay for either. Unfortunately I know im going to buy it because I love the game. Terrible business decision in my mind.

11 years ago

There's a new rarity as well, pearlescents are back 🙂

$15 for all of this, sure. Should get another 50+ hours out of the game with this stuff. I only have 2 level 50's and have yet to get a group together for any of that raid stuff. Let alone played all of the DLC. Borderlands 2 is a game I don't see myself trading in for a long time yet. Hmm… perhaps it might be worth keeping in my collection permanently.

Last edited by Zemus101 on 3/24/2013 11:14:39 PM

11 years ago

If you ever want to do a raid, just add me on psn. Come next tuesday ill be all wrapped up in the game again.

11 years ago

I know it is business but I don't like how this is following the exact same footsteps as Borderlandes 1.

The game could have had pearlescents in the original pack, I mean why cut those out when the code was there from BL1? It seems kind of low to me, sequels should have all the stuff from the first game that was great and expand upon them.

Now I don't really care about the weapons thing that much, but what is really lame is charging people for a level cap.

This was free in an update in BL1, there is no reason for them to charge for this other than the fact that they can and people will pay for it.

I think BL2 is a quality game, but I feel like it is being milked a bit at this point.

11 years ago

The devs really struggled with the level increase. How they finally managed I dont kmow but they were saying it would break current consoles due to memory. So they are trying to recoop lost revenue.

But you are 100% correct. To charge for it is a cop out, and ridiculous. The worst part is making it part of the season pass. Thats just down right BS because ive spent more than season pass holders and ill be charged for this too. It was never announced it would be part of the season pass which really frustrates me, because then I would have purchased it.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

"This was free in an update in BL1, there is no reason for them to charge for this other than the fact that they can and people will pay for it."

That's not exactly true. The first level cap (up to 61, just like the one we're discussing here for BL2) was NOT free. You had to get (pay for) the Knoxx DLC to get it. The second level upgrade (to 69) was a free patch that came along AFTER all of the other DLCs were released.

Personally, I bought the Season Pass after taking BL2 home and playing it for 7 hours straight. The very next day i went back to Gamestop and bought the season pass and Mechromancer deal. Haven't been disappointed even one bit!

Not completely sold on the new guy – just not sure it fits my play style – but I DO trust that GB makes a quality experience (at least as far as Borderlands in concerned – A:CM complaints – go elsewhere!) so I'll be all over it regardless. When it comes to BL, well, for me it's just: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!

11 years ago

Thats a very valid point. Im not upset I didnt get the season pass, because like you, I dont have a problem spending moneu on this game… most if the time. If the season pass included the characters, even if they charged more for it I would have bought it. If it included (from the start when they announced it, not 5 months later) the level increase I would have bought it. My problem is im spending money on the game, more than season pass holders, and they get it by default and thats bs.

11 years ago

Interesting points both of you. However I had the standard Borderlands game and I experienced a level cap raise : Unless I'm remembering things wrong which would be weird because I platinumed Borderlands 1 😛

Bigrailer I have heard the scaling argument crashing consoles, but they people used glitches and expoits to have full skill trees, and hack their levels so I'm not sure if I entirely buy what GB is saying.

Usually with raising level caps if the algorithm is already there it is simple enough to up the cap using those same numbers. Obviously it would take work but these are professional programers who made the code so it shouldnt be hard for them right?

Also my main point about bringing up BL1 was that they had a level cap in that game and never said it was hard or challenging so I find it interesting that it is a big deal all of the sudden O.o unless they changed sometihng with the code.

I do like Gearbox and they tend to do DLC right, but I just think this cap should be free, sure 5 bucks is cheap but I dunno it seems a little nickle and dimey 😛

I wonder how Psycho is going to play, if they are going to make him play kind of like Brick from BL1?

Last edited by xenris on 3/25/2013 11:12:11 PM

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