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If Remember Me Fails, It Won’t Be Due To The Female Lead

Much has been made about developer DontNod Entertainment running into funding resistance, mostly because publishers were afraid of a female protagonist.

Thing is, I'm not sure there's that much validity to the idea that male heroes automatically sell more copies of games. I'm fairly certain quality is the determining factor. If the game sucks, it won't sell. If it's great, it will. I really believe it's still that simple in this industry.

I have yet to come across anyone who balked at playing a game because the main character was a woman (or even a young girl). There are lot of die-hard JRPG lovers out there who really love the Atelier series, which almost always has you running around as a cutesy teenage girl. Furthermore, while it's certainly true that the vast majority of those who buy a game like Remember Me will be male, it isn't true that most of them simply prefer to play as a man. I believe a lot of them are interested in seeing how developers approach a story with a female protagonist, mostly because we're so used to playing as men.

And hey, let's not forget another interesting little psychological/sociological tidbit- Has anyone noticed that a fair amount of males prefer representing themselves as women in virtual worlds? Like those who have female avatars for PlayStation Home? Or those who opt to play MMOs as a female? Are you trying to tell me that doesn't exist? And really, I'd like someone to point out a gamer who absolutely refuses to play game because the lead character is a woman. I bet you'd have difficulty finding that gamer. In the end, if Remember Me flops, it will have little or nothing to do with Nilin.

Related Game(s): Remember Me

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11 years ago

Tomb Raider seems to be doing fine. The quality of the game will determine the outcome of its success.

11 years ago

Yeah that was the point I was making in the last article, the deciders haven't caught up with the gamers. I'm sure it would have trouble grabbing like a CoD audience but EVERYthing has trouble doing that and ends up ruining itself in the process.

Does anyone have trouble with the idea of playing as a young female in Beyond? Controlling Ellie in TLoU? Tomb Raider? Final Fantasy? Bayonetta?

11 years ago

I actually prefer to play as a female protagonist when given the chance. I find the voice acting is generally better, too.

11 years ago

I find this whole discussion so ridiculous that I've abstained from commenting so far. I'll just say this; I *always* choose a female character when given the chance, especially in games with 3rd person view.

I'm tired of staring at male arses when playing. And I find male protagonists to typically be one-dimensional, macho, stupid beefs who I would not have liked whatsoever had I met something like them in real life.

So if anything a female protagonist is an argument *for* the game, it's most definitely not against.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/20/2013 3:19:14 AM

11 years ago

The incredible side of this story from a Playstation perspective is that Remember Me was originally named "Adrift" and pitched to Sony as a PS exclusive, but Sony eventually turned them down.

And while we don't know exactly why it was turned down one has to ask, how *could* they turn down a game like this?

11 years ago

Well, I agree that its the game quality that is important here. Mirrors Edge character Faith was a great character as was Nariko in Heavenly sword, be it one caring and the other real angry. 🙂 I think those games did not do so well because some said the former was not long enough or some said not enough fps (which is does not fit the story anyway) and the latter was supposedly too like GoW. OVerall all thought those who did decide to play the games enjoyed both.

Mass Effect is a good example where I hear guys play the female Shepard over the the male saying it was more fun or the dialogue was better. I t figure the dialogue is the same but with a female voice over so not sure about that. I tried it, but did not get any more from it other than diff voice. BUT the choice was good.

Like I said, let the player decide on the avatar. I know if relationships are involved in the game story in a more involved way that means more work as I am sure in Mass Effect it was for voice overs and such, but that may be the solution here. Choice. And this choice might actually change the game story dynamic as well as gameplay.

Let the player have some customizability for the game and all will be happy. I am sure they must realize this already as it is real easy for this to occur in multiplayer components of a game. No worries about story or dialogue.

Anyway, choice seems to me the option for future games, not just prettier graphics. Allow the player to make the game, to a point, their own and own their avatar.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

It's the voice acting that is better, male Shep sounds like a bad B-movie actor, femShep sounds like a professional who is in touch with the character.

11 years ago

I have liked DontNod's choice of Nilin's character since her reveal.

I am hopeful that this game will be good, but I won't likely get it day one, but I will get it sometime in the near future if the reviews stack well in Remember Me's favor.

I will make it clear though that if I wasn't busy saving for the PS4's launch I would consider a day one purchase.

11 years ago

I don't think the sex of the protagonist makes that much of a difference. It's all about the game world… The game story. Smooth gameplay free of bugs is a major factor.

11 years ago

I'm always a girl when you create your own character. I'm FemShep, a woman in Fallout games, MMO's, RPG's…. anything. And when possible, I'm always named Fetch Kinsman. Or just Fetch when you can't use last names.

I find female leads more engaging, more of an underdog (eh, eh?!?!), and well… if I gotta stare at a character's backside running around for hours on end, it might as well be a woman's.

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