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Shadow Of The Damned Director’s New Studio Teams With Sony

Hey, if he helmed Shadows of the Damned , we definitely want to see what's next. And it'll be a new Sony IP, too!

If you didn't know, Shadows director Massimo Guarini has opened up a new studio – named Ovosonico – and it has been announced that his team has signed with Sony Computer Entertainment World Studios Europe for development on a brand new IP.

Guarini says Sony is the "perfect partner" for Ovosonico's mystery project, which we know very little about. All we know so far is that it'll be "movie-length" and "emotionally challenging." In addition to working with Suda51, Guarini also directed Naruto: Rise of the Ninja for Ubisoft, and helped produce several Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell titles. Said Sony senior vice president Michael Denny:

"It is through working with creative minds such as Massimo Guarini that ensures that the best exclusive games are only available on PlayStation and we firmly believe that this relationship will result in something special. This is the first studio we have worked with in Italy and due to the growing talent in this country; we believe the first of many."

So, is this coming to the PS4…?

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11 years ago

Normally I'd be psyched, we need crazy Japanese exclusives but only 2 hours long? I mean yeah Journey did it but that's lightning in a bottle and doesn't bring "Shadows" to mind. It was a fun game.

11 years ago

It's an Italian studio, and they have stated that it will be sold at a reasonable price. Even at a Journey price-point, I think an emotional, engaging experience would be worth the drop.

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