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Connor Takes To The Skies In The Latest Assassin’s Creed III DLC

Connor is a formidable opponent, even without supernatural abilities.

Okay, so he can fall from ridiculous heights and suffer not a scratch by landing in a haystack. And he can enable this fancy eagle vision that lets him pick out targets in a crowd. But it's not as if he can shape-shift like a werewolf…until now.

The ongoing Tyranny of King Washington expansion content for Assassin's Creed III features a big-time twist on history, as you can easily gather from the title. And in the next episode, The Betrayal, Connor will earn the ability to change into an eagle. What easier way to elude your pursuers during one of those irritating chase sequences? This new video gives you a sneak peek at the fresh skill, which is bound to come in handy. The Betrayal will be available on March 19, by the way.