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Dishonored: The Knife Of Dunwall DLC Detailed And Dated

Dishonored is one amazing game, so there's no reason why you shouldn't expand upon that memorable experience.

Today, Bethesda has announced the second downloadable content pack for the award-winning title from Arkane Studios. It's called The Knife of Dunwall and it will be available worldwide on April 16 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC for the price of $9.99 (or 800 Microsoft Points).

This pack lets you assume the role of Daud, the legendary assassin who killed the Empress. This gives you access to a whole new host of new weapons, gadgets and abilities and after assassinating the Empress, you set out on a quest of redemption. The Outsider tells you what you must do, but who is Delilah…? You will be accompanied by the Whalers, your loyal band of mercenary assassins, and you will explore never-before-seen districts of Dunwall. It sounds like a great twist on the original story, which is precisely what good single-player DLC should do in my estimation.

Dishonored raked in over 100 Game of the Year Awards from major sources, including PC Gamer, Yahoo, MSNBC, and the Game Developers Choice Awards. Oh, and it won GotY 2012 for us, too. 🙂

Related Game(s): Dishonored

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11 years ago

I probably wont be getting this. The game just isn't for me. But I do prefer dlc like this that focuses on the main story of games. I dont like spending money on something that doesnt fulfill the game. At the same time I hate dlc that offers more to the story or makes the game (aside from dlc) feel unfinished without it, because at that point I realize I bought an incomplete game.

Doesnt sound like thats the case with this one. This sounds like a good way to take the story while sticking to it.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

Excellent. I really liked this game and more SP goodness is a great thing.

11 years ago

Interesting, but I've kind of moved on, though the game will stay in my collection forevermore.

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