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ESA To Further ESRB Awareness Via National Education Campaign

It probably had to be done for the sake of appeasement.

Today, the Entertainment Software Association has announced a national public education campaign designed to better inform parents about video game ratings.

This will involve public service announcements that ask parents to familiarize themselves with the ESRB rating system, and it will encourage guardians to take advantage of existing console parental control options. US Senator John Thune (R-SD) said that "no one knows better than parents when it comes to making decisions about which games their children should and should not play," and added that while the industry produces games for everyone, not every game is made for those of all ages.

US representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) also supports the idea, saying- "I commend the video game industry for recognizing the importance of educating and engaging parents about the ratings and other resources." The new initiative will work with retailers and use their outlets to further educate customers about the ESRB ratings, and lastly, the ratings will extend to games on smartphones and tablets.

19 years these ratings have been in place. But we still need to call attention to them? Well, sure, whatever. I suppose we just have to continually remind parents to be parents.

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11 years ago

Parents will pretend to be intersted but when it comes time to their own personal stuff, their going to buy Timmy and Johnny the next CoD installment so they don't have to babysit them themselves. Not all parents are like that but the majority are. It's pretty sad considering that some of these parents pretend to actually give a crap.

When in reality they will go and buy their kids the same games the very next day because, 60$ for a game that keeps their kids quite till they get bored of it compaired to the baby sitter. Yeah its pretty obvious which is the cheaper counterpart. If your not ready to be a parent keep your damn legs closed. Video games and music being blamed for the wrong doings in todays society is the result of people having kids when they were not ready mentally.

11 years ago

"no one knows better than parents when it comes to making decisions about which games their children should and should not play,"


11 years ago

Come on, I'm no dad but I know little kdis should be playing games like GTA, Manhunt or Hitman.

Games like Wii Sports, LBP and Mario dirties their mind!!

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

MORE government regulation!! What's the definition of insane?

11 years ago

You do realize the point of this is to help parents makeinformed decisions, and not rely on government, right?

11 years ago

And you also realize there is no regulation happening here right? It's just an education campaign and stuff.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Only an extremist of the worst kind would misinterpret this as "regulation."

11 years ago

See what happens when you assume everything is a conspiracy, French?

Now go get immunized from Polio, big fella.

11 years ago

I have always said that the best way to stop kids from playing games is to teach parents to be parents.

Like the above comment, most parents don't and won't care what games their kid is playing, because it keeps them quiet.

Plus a lot of parents are weak willed and will give in to what their kid wants, regardless of if it is good for them or not.

People these days…. are just pathetic.

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