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Rapper Richie Branson Wishes For The Days Of Chrono Trigger

The name Chrono Trigger has the capability of bringing tears to the eyes of a veteran gamer. It really does.

Only games of this classic, timeless nature can incite such powerful emotions, and sometimes it does our hearts good to look back and appreciate what we had. That's what rapper Richie Branson did in his latest, which is cool.

This homage to one of the best RPGs – and indeed, one of the best overall games – of all time is well worth listening to. You'll also get plenty of footage from the 1995 masterpiece, which was released back when Squaresoft could do no wrong. The company went on to further fame and glory, which rose to mythic proportions in the PlayStation era. Coincidentally, I forgot that Chrono Trigger released in the same year as the PlayStation; basically, on the cusp of a new era of gaming.

And despite that new era, which ushered in fancy new graphics, and subsequent eras, so many will always remember CT with a deep fondness. Check out more of Branson's work at his official website .