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Tomb Raider Sees 1 Million Players, Store Supplies Running Low

In our estimation, Tomb Raider is the best game of the year so far. And we're not alone in that assessment. Not only has the reboot raked in high review scores and general widespread acclaim, it also seems to be doing well on the sales charts.

According to a Twitter update from Crystal Dynamics global brand director Karl Stewart, more than 1 million gamers have already signed on to try out the well-done reboot:

"Wow, 1m gamers playing in less than 48hrs! @tombraider fans, you're AMAZING Hearing some stores are running low..more copies are on the way!"

It's hard to say if he's talking about sales or the number of players who have gone online with Tomb Raider since the title's launch this week. But either way, at least a lot of people are interested in a great game, which is always good news. And as you can see, Stewart added that stores are running low on copies, so that's another positive sign. Play it if you haven't already! We promise you won't regret it.

Related Game(s): Tomb Raider

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11 years ago

I am about to play this game non stop till I beat it! Its sitting at home for me right now and I have an extended weekend this week!

I also hope the rumors of the new vita assassins creed are true. I just really want to play video games right now!

11 years ago

Are you talking about Assassins Creed Rising Phoenix? I hope you are right! There is some evidence pointing to a CG animated movie. I hope that is false and it is the next Vita game. I couldn't stop playing ACIIIL.

11 years ago

Ya now that I reread the articles on it, it sounds like it won't be a vita game 🙁

11 years ago

It's truly an amazing game. I am upset when I have to quit. It's really great on the collectibles and exploring too. Playing on hard and it's really enjoyable so far.

11 years ago

I've only had time for 2 hours over the last two days, but really enjoying it so far.

It seemed like a game I would be interested in getting a Platinum for, but I know there are a lot of MP trophies. I started up a game of multiplayer to see what I would be in for. Blah! I could only do 1 match, it was not inspiring. It would be tortuous to play it as much as I would have to, to get the Plat. Just going to stick with the single player campaign on this one.

11 years ago

Yes, doing the Survivor Med Pack fetch in private game would take like 15-20 or so hours to get the experience necessary for the Platinum. Each Med Pack game gives you 27K experience. So it can be done and I am thinking of doing it this way. I haven't decided though.

11 years ago

The one match that I played did have one cool trick. I was running through a covered bridge, and didn't notice a trap. I got caught, and it pulled me upside down. There was somebody chasing me, and so I was then immediatly upside down shooting at him. It took me a moment to realize what had happened. I first thought it was a glitch, then figured it out. That was cool trick I will say. After knowing it was there, I then saw somebody else get caught later in the match, and took him out for an easy kill.

11 years ago

Sweet, that is a very cool feature. It would be awesome to actually see someone get caught by the trap. BOOOM! Like you said easy kill.

11 years ago

With an assortment of polygons like that, how could you not want the game. Plus im sure girl gamers enjoy playing as a female lead.

11 years ago

I know right! Very nice playing as a female lead that is gorgeous! At the same time they have made her classy and not slutty. They did a great job balancing that.

11 years ago

The gameplay is great, but really what's drawing me in is the character development and story. I find myself actually caring what happens to Lara – and for me that's a rarity.

11 years ago

Nothing I have seen of the game appeals to me, looks generic and they seemed to have followed Uncharted gameplay approaches.

I agree that for female gamers maybe its a changed from all the male dominated protaganists but I would say it should not stop you playing. I loved Mirrors Edge and its still one of my favs this generation (wheres the frigging sequel). Maybe Ubisoft should allow character customizing in the AC series so one can play male of female. Would be interesting. Still I have enough games to play and this one will have to be a miss or at least at the bottom of the list if there is one.

BUT one cannot like all game and its good to know that many do so all I will say to conclude is….


11 years ago

Far from being generic.

I can tell you it is a great adventure and having played uncharted I think this game is even better. (personal taste)

They mix a very strong story (uncharted style) but also provide you with more exploration and hidden goodies. They also reward you for trying to look deeper into things. That is where it strays from the uncharted formula that is much more linear (but still awesome).

If you like uncharted you will definitely like this game.

11 years ago

How long is the singleplayer mode in this game?

11 years ago

The way i m playing (exploring the big map before moving on ) , 12 hour easy .

11 years ago

The way i m playing (exploring the big map before moving on ) , 12 hour easy .

11 years ago

Glad it's doing well, I gotta wait because of Bioshock this month though.

Best of the year so far? Hmmm, there's this game called Ni No Kuni…

11 years ago

If you like that type of game! 😉

11 years ago

Of course, but quality and score-wise too.

11 years ago

It's a 9+ game, of course it's selling like hot cakes.

11 years ago

Wow so far this game is amazing I have found glitches but doesn't happen all the time which is good either than that I'm very happy with it

11 years ago

Aside from the couple random glitches I witnessed as well, this game has to be one of the most polished and well done games I have played on PS3 that wasn't a first-party title.


11 years ago

I have already beaten the single player portion 100%, and I LOVED every minute of it!

This game has officially taken second place for best game I have ever played on PS3.

Uncharted 2 is my personal number 1.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 3/10/2013 12:41:02 PM

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