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God Of War: Ascension Trial Of The Gods Mode Revealed

God of War: Ascension is only a few days away now, and Sony is already building on what should be a stellar experience.

A two-player co-op mode has been announced for the game; it's called Trial of the Gods and two players will battle the clock and five increasingly difficult waves of enemies. You gain a little extra time for each kill, and more seconds can be added after each wave depending on your performance. Although Trial of the Gods is specifically designed for co-op fun, it can be played all by your lonesome.

The cool part is that any experience you earn enjoying this mode will transfer over to the other multiplayer modes available. There's the always entertaining Capture the Flag (which ought to be awfully interesting in this context), Favour of the Gods, and Team Favour of the Gods. You might also be able to expect more maps in the future, as the game will release with only three (Desert of Lost Souls, Forum of Hercules and Rotunda of Olympus). We expect to see extra maps via DLC, of course.

God of War: Ascension hits store shelves on March 12.

Related Game(s): God of War: Ascension

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11 years ago

I am really curious about how well this game will do. There hasn't been a lot of hype surrounding the game probably because of the intense focus on MP. I get why the MP is there and it actually was decent despite the inability to invite your friends. I still think the intense focus on the MP has turned off some gamers. They are almost treating it like a spin off or something.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
11 years ago

Yeah I agree. It's being treated like it's not a true GoW title. I downloaded the free demo. Loved it. Intense.

11 years ago

Somehow CVG has a review up for it. They gave it a 7.5 and said it's a series treading water. I know that's just one review but they scored GOW 3 much higher. GOW 2 was a fantastic game late in the PS2's lifespan. Will history repeat itself? The steads of time section was fantastic just in terms of scope and scale. I really wished GOW3 had something like that.

11 years ago

Just read that, sounds like the beginning and end are great but not so much the middle (which is how I felt about GOWIII) but it also sounds like fears that this was just a way to lay groundwork for multiplayer are true. Pretty much a prequel guaranteed to pay for the establishment of the MP tech through name recognition.

11 years ago

The main sites here in Norway rate it as mediocre too, saying it's too repetitive and lack innovation (quite ironical with recent discussions around here in mind ;).

I guess multiplayer took too much of their attention.

11 years ago

Speaking of the reviews, they seem to range from 7.0 to 9.5, and because of things like this, reviews are becoming much more hard to trust now.

I honestly believe reviews are becoming nothing more then opinions with numbers on them.

11 years ago

Theres very little trust in the industry and it started this generation. You can read reviews all you want but its the reviews you can trust that matter. Honestly ive found very few I can actually trust with my purchases even 80% of the time.

Heck if I would have listened to the review from here – which is my mainstay – I never would have bought Borderlands. Thats still one of my favorite games this generation.

But it is what it is.

Edit: oh yea, and the demo doesnt suggest its a 7 – 8 game. It was much better than that.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/7/2013 8:28:03 PM

11 years ago

The demo suggested "been there done that, no reason to do it again" to me

11 years ago


Well thats not surprising. 😉 Regardless the quality of GoW titles was there.

What is surprising though is your ability to look past Dantes, when its guilty as charged..

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/7/2013 10:31:14 PM

11 years ago

Adam from rev3games gave it a 3 out of 5, but I think that was mainly because he didn't like the bros before hos trophy…

11 years ago

I wouldn't touch this mode with Microsoft's d*ck.

11 years ago

I wonder if they will be going with the free DLC map packs like Starhawk went? If they do I will definitely get this. Otherwise I'll have to pass, this game just doesn't seem like it needs to exist you know.

All the prequels on the PSP explained his past, and the original trilogy came to an end. It just seems like they are trying to milk it at this point.

11 years ago

I wonder if the inclusion of History's "Vikings" show stuff is just a shameless plug or a sign that Norse gods will be next for GOW.

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