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Dead Space 3 Awakened DLC Has “Most Disturbing Content Ever”

It's always nice to hear about downloadable content that actually grants players extra gameplay, rather than some new costumes or maps.

Dead Space 3 's freaky adventure will soon be expanded upon, as according to Polygon , we'll be seeing the Awakened DLC next week.

This pack evidently adds "several hours of content" to the campaign, and will be set to go on PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, and Origin for PC on March 12 in North America (European gamers get it a day later). The cost will be $9.99 and don't forget that this content will support both solo and co-op gameplay. The developers are also adding new weapon parts and circuits, so you can fiddle around with the in-depth weapon customization feature even more. Visceral Games general manager Steve Papoutsis says Awakened will usher in the franchise's "darkest chapters" as it features the "most disturbing content ever seen" in a Dead Space title.

Well then…sounds intriguing.

Related Game(s): Dead Space 3

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11 years ago

I really hate all this digital stuff…. And I'm not to fond of EA games either. I'll probably end up waiting for the GOTY edition or something.

11 years ago

you kinda contradict yourself with those statement though…

11 years ago

Hows that?

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Because you said you hate all this digital stuff and are not fond of EA games.

Then you say you'll get the GOTY edition, which features the digital stuff and is still an EA game.

11 years ago

Oh sorry what I meant was that I hate digital stuff in general ( because I hate having my games split up between online and a disk version and I dislike downloading thing). I also don't really like EA so spending extra money on DLC would be supporting them. But I do like good video games so I want this one.

So by waiting, I don;t have to deal with all that digital crap. I won't be supporting the things about EA I hate and I still get to play the game without missing out on any of the extra content.

11 years ago

EA do GOTY Editions?

11 years ago

more or less, they have Complete editions a la Dragon Age

11 years ago

I agree, this type of DLC is very welcome. I can truly see myself getting this later on. Thanks for the info Ben!

11 years ago

"We saved the truly horrific stuff for ransom" *evil grin*

11 years ago

So umm… why was this not included in the retail release?
Screw you, EA.

11 years ago

I almost bought simcity. I am sooo glad I remembered how much I hated EA

11 years ago

So… how did they have time to create a several hours long campaign extension in that short time after release?

Because there's no way they would cut away part of the retail game to then only weeks later release it as DLC… Naah especially not EA!

11 years ago

Well to be fair development doesnt take place up until release. When the game has gone gold its ready to ship, in that span theres plenty of time to start working on other things like dlc.

I see what you're saying though. But ive grown to be ok with quick dlc packs regardless of reason why they come so quckly because it continues the game long as the campaign or original focus isn't broken because of lacking parts that is released as dlc later, I could care less. DS3 was already at least 25% longer than DS1 and 2, so theres a lot of game there worthy of $60.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/7/2013 7:41:40 PM

11 years ago

Well, first of all a game doesn't go gold that far ahead of release either. It takes far longer than that to create a campaign several hours long… If it didn't, games wouldn't have several years long dev cycles…

A lot of "Gamers" seem to have grown to be ok with pretty much anything lately, and as long as people keep buying it, the publishers are gonna keep on doing it. Next up: Microtransactions up the wazoo & always-online requirement (and it's already happening… see EA's "all our upcoming games will have microtransactions, and Sim City as an example of always online…). What's their next move when gamers have "grown ok" with that?

They're just gonna keep piling it on, one baby step at a time…

Last edited by Crabba on 3/7/2013 9:04:02 PM

11 years ago

dude, games go gold 4+ weeks before release!
viscerals had at least 2 months since the development of dead space 3 would of finished, in fact i would not be surprised if they finished working on it last year.
plenty of time to get DLC out, especially since digital stuff gets submitted for release far closer to release than retail content has to.

11 years ago

a game FINALLY gets DLC, and it just happens to be for a game i despise!
ill hope against hope that this is actually a re tread to try gain back some fans, and offer a true dead space experience.
but this is EA, so ill eat my hat if thats the case!

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