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Lost Planet 3 Release Dates, Pre-Order Incentives Revealed

Here's hoping Spark Unlimited does its job and gives us a worthwhile Lost Planet entry.

Capcom has revealed the release dates and enticing pre-order incentives for the upcoming Lost Planet 3 .

It was initially slated to launch some time during the second quarter of the year; now we know it'll arrive on June 25 in North America and three days later in Europe. This sequel is a third-person shooter with heavy mech influence, as has been the case in past series iterations. It's also a prequel despite the fact that there's a "3" in the game's title, and the concept does sound intriguing. However, with a new developer and some disgruntled fans after Lost Planet 2 , there are some skeptics out there. Besides, let's not forget that developer Spark Unlimited's produced the ill-fated Legendary .

To learn more about Lost Planet 3 , check out our preview .

Related Game(s): Lost Planet 3

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11 years ago

Get lost.

11 years ago

I have a feeling this will be lost in the shuffle (no pun intended) because of the big titles expected this year.

11 years ago

I am probably the only person on this entire site that is interested in this title.

I thought Lost Planet 2 were pretty cool, at times borderline awesome. There, I said it. Some of the bosses were epic.

Now, it must be said that I played the entire campaign in coop with two friends. And coop, as we know, adds a lot to the joy factor. But as a COOP game I insist that Lost Planet 2 were really not that bad at all.

11 years ago

No man. I still play lost planet 2. One of the greatest co-op games this entire gen.

11 years ago

wow, june?
normally that month is deserted, but its filling up to be buissier than may for crying out loud!
talk about the year of opposites……..
hey, wait a minute!
its summer here and its FREAKING FREEZING!
its summer and its PISSING DOWN RAINING!
the bussy months have turned to the quiet, and vice versa.
$ony has given up their exotic ways, and gone el cheapo!
my god, the mayans were right!
well sort of, they just got the date wrong…….

Last edited by ___________ on 3/7/2013 3:59:45 AM

11 years ago

With the last of us the same month , they got a very slim chance to succeed .At least they won t see much sells until it get around 39.99 9 when i ll buy it ) .

11 years ago

Am I the only one who loved Lost Planet 2? I seriously got addicted to unlocking loot in that game. It was really hard and challenging and I loved it until they patched it to the point where it wasn't challenging anymore.

The competitive multiplayer wasn't bad either.

LP2 felt unique, it played unlike any other TPS game. I dunno this LP3 game just looks generic to me, even though it has the trademarked enemies.

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