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Mojang Will Consider Bringing Minecraft To The World Of PlayStation

It has been quite the phenomenon over the past few years and now, it's possible gamers will see it on a PlayStation platform.

According to Edge , Swedish developer Mojang said it will consider porting Minecraft to Sony consoles at some point in the future. Next year…?

Currently, Mojang has an exclusivity deal with Microsoft, which has resulted in the smash hit being available on the Xbox 360. But during a recent iGamer interview, Mojang developer Jens Bergensten said that "when it runs out we'll consider Minecraft for PlayStation." He added that the game showing up on the Wii U was "unlikely." However, Bergensten didn't specify which PlayStation console (PS3 or PS4) so if it does happen, we'll have to wait for a platform specification. This game doesn't need the PS4, though, right?

Minecraft became the fastest-selling Xbox Live Arcade game ever, as it has now sold over 5 million copies. …well, all right. I've seen it and tried and I don't get it, but obviously, a great many do.

Related Game(s): Minecraft

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11 years ago

What IS the point of this game? I know you build stuff. What's the hook? I see a glorified lego simulator.

11 years ago

Basically, it's the combination of shaping your own world around you, and the constant fight for survival. The games simple. It looks plain, and the concept is easy enough. That doesn't mean it's easy, and it doesn't mean it's unenjoyable. Not everyone will like the game, but if you at least try it out for a while, you'll get the feel for it.

The survival concept is fun. You constantly have to work to make a house (usually making it bigger, or out of better materials), weapons to defend yourself, food to not starve, and tools to be able to get the best materials. There's almost always better equipment or more things to do.

11 years ago

What IllusiveMan said, in addition there is the online aspect: There is a huge modding community around this game. People are running their own servers where they set the rules and can insert objects they created themselves, and invite other players into their servers and let them participate in it.

It really is a fantastic creative tool.

11 years ago

I love Minecraft, me and my friends play it a lot and we build castles, and other structures it's very time consuming building large things but it is a lot of fun in my opinion.

I'm glad sometime down the road people will be able to play it. (if they actually do it)

Last edited by Clamedeus on 3/6/2013 11:58:24 AM

11 years ago


When I go to update my Avatar I seem to get a system error of sorts. I have the correct size for the Avatar and file.

11 years ago

what I'd love is for it to come to the Vita.

11 years ago

YES. It coming to the console doesn't do much to me, as I've put countless hours in this game on the PC already. But on the Vita, that would be a great idea. It's the perfect platform for it!

11 years ago

So it's like legos?

11 years ago

That was one of similarities that brought my son to it, so in a way, yes.

11 years ago

World, Minecraft is like lego, just as much as Uncharted is like Pitfall 🙂
Minecraft is an amazing game, there is so much to do, even though there isn't any story per say, playing with a friend on a server, building things together creating your own weapons, armor, farming your own food, mining for minerals to build better equipment… it can be as simple or as intricate as you make, someone actually built a computer CPU in Minecraft!

Last edited by Karosso on 3/6/2013 2:33:34 PM

11 years ago

Hey I love legos, that wasn't a putdown.

11 years ago

My 13 year old son lives on this game on the PC and he will be happy over this, that is for sure!

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

Minecraft is a hoot.

11 years ago

Seriously… Upvoted for thrice thrilling me!

1 Minecraft IS a hoot!
2 Your icon is hilarious!
3 Your name is hilarious!

11 years ago

I'm amazed that a game like this can become such a phenomenon. A game with no violence, no Hollywood effects, no fancy-pancy slickness. Nope. Basically it's just you, a bunch of building blocks, a set of simple rules and your imagination.

It really is so good to see that a product like this can become such a success across all ages and gamer groups. It's uplifting, no less.

11 years ago

Agreed, and this game can become very addicting!

11 years ago

Clean the graphics up a bit then port it.

11 years ago

Well I have worked with people who love the game and showed it to me. And I agree… I don't get it either. I sat with friends for a couple of hours watching them make things some of which were … questionable if you know what I mean. They showed the Enterprise that someone made and such like. Just didn't get.

So they convinced me to download and well… after 15 minutes I was bored out of my mind. I think you need patience for this game but in the end for my entertainment value I did not find it clever or interesting.

I must admit I have met others and some I have come to the conclusion is they jumped on board because, well, its popular and they wanted to be apart of the crowd. Hopefully in the end they did actually have fun with it other than dressing up as Minecraft Avatar at parties…. ugh! Leave it for FanExpo with all the other costumes.

But hey, to each their own. So I think I will give it a miss but good news for those that get their kicks. A variety of games, sims or whatever is what its all about since we all have diff tastes in game genres.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

if theres ONE game out there i cant understand the popularity of its this!
tried to get into it so many times, and to be honest id rather watch oprah 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year, for the next 100 years, than play another minute of minecraft!
its THAT boring!

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