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Sony: PS3 Will Remain “A Very Important Part Of Our Portfolio”

The PS2 did very well for several years after the PS3 arrived. And Sony expects history to repeat itself.

During a post-PS4 announcement interview published over at the PlayStation Blog , Sony Computer Entertainment Europe President and CEO Jim Ryan spoke about the PS3's role after the company's new console hits store shelves. They figure that history is on their side:

"Typically history can help us only so far here. We’re actually still selling PS2s in regions such as the Middle East seven years after we introduced PS3. There are a number of reasons why the transition might be a bit more accelerated this time round, but PS3 is a very important part of our portfolio, certainly in 2013, 2014 and probably beyond that.

I’d point to the software line-up on PS3 that we have coming up – God of War: Ascension next month, The Last of Us, which is looking great, and Beyond later in the year. And there’s other stuff yet to be announced which is highly significant too. There’s a lot coming on PS3 and it’s going to be very important to us for some time yet."

It's true that a number of great titles can still arrive for the PS3 long after the PS4 is out, and gamers shouldn't forget that. I'm not saying this to dissuade day-one adopters of Sony's new system, but it's important to understand that the PS3 will continue to be supported for quite some time after the next-gen technology launches.

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11 years ago

I sure hope so because I'm not getting rid of mine any time soon.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Bad idea. Bad idea.
The Last Of Us
BEYOND: Two Souls
Just to name a few that might not make it to PS4.

11 years ago

…..some of them may make it eventually as a 1080p HD remake.

11 years ago

actually, I'm wondering if Japan might be able to get a second wind with the ps3 in it's winter years. Development and game prices might get cheaper and Japan might be able to do what they do best which is come out with strange yet addicting games on old systems. Just look at the Saturn and Dreamcast and the old nintendos. With the lack of a region code for playstation games, that could work wonders. Maybe? Am I stretching too much on this one?

11 years ago

Just bring back more Japanese games to PS3 and then it will be a great console.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

eh? it is a great console !

11 years ago

Hell yeah Kiryu!!
What I have in mind as well because a new Macross
game was released recently and it looks fun.
But well you know, it's only in Japan.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

All i need now is The Last Guardian to get a PS3 release date,once i finish that then its on to the PS4!

11 years ago

"There are a number of reasons why the transition might be a bit more accelerated this time round"

Is it me or does that sound like psychobabble for "We're committed to PS3 titles that you buy all over again digitally on the PS4"? I certainly hope not.

11 years ago


Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

They will in 2017

11 years ago

Great Japanese games always come to late Sony cycles so that's always good (Persona 4 anyone?)

11 years ago

I just hope the Persona series doesn't skip this gen, we already have KH skipping this gen.

11 years ago

I know, I was hopeful after Catherine was done, then Persona 4 Arena and PS4Golden signaled the series was still alive, I'd kill for a reveal at TGS.

11 years ago

Love persona 3 and 4. Speaking of games skipping a gen, we technically didn't even get a final fantasy .

11 years ago

Yup, I will continue to buy games for the PS3 if they keep coming out, unfortunately not many I like come out on home consoles anymore. They have started to recently but it's way too early for next gen consoles for me. I'm still catching up on this gen and last! funny you mention the PS2 I've actually just bought 3 games for it which I have yet to play!

One day I will catch up and I will not be buying a PS4 on launch unless they get several good looking RPG's at once (which I highly doubt).

The vita is my next purchase, and even that I have waited a year for. I really wanted a Vita from day 1 but as always I wait until more games are out, not to mention the over priced memory cards made me wait for sure.

11 years ago

Was planning to get a PS4 early, but now it sounds more and more likely that GT6 will be for the PS3. For that reason, as well as possible games like FFvsXIII, Metal Gear Ground Zeroes, and Last Guardian, I'm just gonna stick to gaming on the PS3. Those games will last me at least two years. Who know what else is unannounced as well. In that two years time, perhaps PD will be ready to launch a PS4 Gran Turismo built from the ground up (and probably PS4 pricecut). Of course, this is all still assumptions.

For sure though, we're not seeing a PS4 GT6 anytime soon, as Driveclub will probably take that spotlight for a year or so. The closest GT to a launch title was Gran Turismo 3, and that was about 8 months after the release of the PS2. It would certainly help, but I guess Sony never really needed GT on their console launch days. GT just sells itself and aid console sales no matter what time into the console's life.

11 years ago

Sony might even begin new projects even after PS4 release. So the "unannounced" games might be much more than a handful of working games.

11 years ago

I think china will have big sales for PS3 and PS4. Didnt they say recently the retailers can now sell Sony game machines? It's a huge market and if it's anything the same as Japan, it'll be Ka-Ching!

11 years ago

I hope not theres still like 7 games i want on ps3 Im ready to get those then move onto ps4 games… so hopefully anything else that comes out after that will be on PS4 as well (ala Destiny) besides sony says a LOT of things that end up not true for example "we're gonna let microsoft announce their new console first" or "ALL our console will be backwards compatible with the previous ones so youll never have to worry about more than one console" Ummm how well did those two go?

11 years ago

I guess one good thing about the PC4…I mean PS4…is that lazy devs can't hide behind the it's-too-weird-and-difficult excuse.

11 years ago

… said the experienced developer who *really* knows what he is talking about.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/3/2013 2:40:29 PM

11 years ago

I think the Wii U's existence will help prolong the current gen. Devs are given more reason to produce products that can be marketed on 3 console platforms, including one that is still new to the market.

I suspect big profitable franchises will support both platform generations for years to come.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/2/2013 11:11:56 AM

11 years ago

in other words Wii U will be the console that cripples multiplats this gen instead of 360.

11 years ago

I think Wii U versions of games will be as they are now. Where the 360 and Ps3 set the tone and the Wii U follows making the necessary controller modifications along the way. Basically what i mean is that I don't think any negative changes will happen to something like AC black flag because the wii u is now part of the equation. If anything, like Criterion did for NFS Most Wanted, we may see like a texture quality boost on the Nintendo side.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/2/2013 6:21:19 PM

11 years ago

I thought this would happen with Wii/PS2/PSP. It really didn't.

I bet most AAA developers will once again jump to the next generation pretty quickly.

11 years ago

Even in the PS3 troubled times.

11 years ago

PS2s are still selling in the stores in my country, NZ. No other console from that gen is to be seen. I can see how PS3 will be the same.

11 years ago

I'm glad to hear that, because there is no way for me to afford a PS4 and an all new library of titles with it coming out this year.

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