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Remember Me Pushed Back A Month

It often happens that when an exact release date is announced early, small delays soon follow.

Last year, Capcom unveiled a brand new and very promising IP called Remember Me . They actually gave it a finalized date of May 7, 2013 at the time.

But now, the game has been delayed . Thankfully, the publisher has only pushed back the release date by a month, as it's now slated to hit the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on June 4 in North America and three days later in Europe. The title that was formerly known as "Adrift" is highly anticipated, and Capcom intends to build it into a "major franchise." Developer DontNod Entertainment hasn't been shy about showing off some gameplay, and the protagonist Nilin has resonated with a great many gamers.

Here's hoping that when it does arrive, Remember Me will be…uh…memorable.

Related Game(s): Remember Me

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11 years ago

I think games are becoming too movie like. Give the controls back to the gamer. I'm looking forward to this game, it sounds interesting, but I hope it's not full of quicktime events.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I don't see how that's true. We have more direct control than ever before. I distinctly recall people whining about how long cut-scenes were in games like Xenosaga and Metal Gear Solid 2. We don't have ANY cut-scenes that even approach that length, anymore…

We're almost always in control these days. And to be honest, I liked it before.

11 years ago

havent played 2 for ages, but the cut scenes in MGS4 are WAY too long so they cant be that far off!
the cut scenes in rising are pretty long too, and theres so many of them!
gets really annoying too, you finish one cut scene, walk 2 steps into a new room, and theres another cut scene!
if your going to have such long cut scenes than at least have a decent break in between them!

11 years ago

I'm tired of "gritty" games. No thanks. More like Ni no Kuni, please.

11 years ago

yeah but at least it's Japanese grit.

11 years ago

I'm highly anticipating it but I don't mind since the backlog is massive and there are other games that will be coming. I only fear for the poor sales that inevitably come in summer months.

11 years ago

Lol, I couldn't help myself on that end bit. At least it'll be released before E3 starts, barely.

I have to give my dues, because it is a very brave thing of them to release a completely new IP in the midst of the next generation. Not to say that this game is bad though. I'm personally interested in it.

Last edited by daus26 on 2/27/2013 8:25:34 PM

11 years ago

so cant wait for this, it just looks so unique, new, different, ambitious, in short f*cking AWESOME!
amazing what crapcom can put out when they try!

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