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Deus Ex: Human Defiance Coming Soon?

It took a while for us to get Deus Ex: Human Revolution , but maybe the next gap in the series won't be as big.

Square Enix has filed a trademark application for Deus Ex: Human Defiance , which hints at a new entry in the award-winning franchise.

It doesn't specify if Defiance is a game or something like a movie, as Square Enix seeks a patent that covers feature films. 2011's Deus Ex: Human Revolution did relatively well on the sales charts and critics and gamers really took to it. Then we heard about the film – which remains untitled – that is being directed by Scott Derrickson ("The Exorcism of Emily Rose"), but Square Enix has remained mute on the subject of a follow-up game. Most have assumed it'd be a sequel to Human Revolution and Human Defiance certainly sounds like a sequel, so…

Let's hope this gets officially announced soon.

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11 years ago

Square Enix: Final Fantasy Defiance

11 years ago

One of my absolute favorite series. My only hope for the next installment (since they pretty much got everything right with 'Human Revolution', in my opinion) is that they take advantage of the potential combination of their winning formula and downloadable content. 'The Missing Link' was as fun as the rest of the game and a good length, but it was disappointing to have it separated from the campaign (especially considering it was canonical).

11 years ago

Oh man I hope hope HOPE it's another game. Same world, same atmosphere, this is one game where I really only want more of the same (except those damn bosses, of course).

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/27/2013 3:17:42 PM

11 years ago

I didn't mind the bosses, broke up the gameplay with an MGS style.

11 years ago

The bosses completely pulled me out of character. They were like these weird mini games, arena style, that just popped up here and there.

Hated'em, also since I aimed for the "no kill" trophy I had no experience with the weapons whatsoever so they were really, really hard for me.

11 years ago

Had a blast with HR. A sequel will be welcomed.

11 years ago

Human Defiance sounds like a top notch seller already. Im pretty hyped for it and i don't even know what it is. I do know Human Revolution was one of my favorite stealth games. It felt so deep in every aspect not to mention the hundreds of different things you could do. Please be a game. It just sounds perfect as a sequel.

11 years ago

more deus ex, how could i say no!?
i just hope this time there ALLOT more consistent!
one thing that REALLY bugged me with human revolution was, the whole point of the game is choice.
choose how you want to play, choose what you want to do.
but then allot of the levels you could only finish one way, allot of the levels required you to have a certain augmentation otherwise you couldent finish the mission.
the second boss battle for instance, nigh on impossible to finish if you dont have the aug which makes you invincible to electricity, but if you have it its a walk in the park!
i also remember allot of side quests, one in particular you had to break into a apartment and you could not find the code, the ONLY way to get the door open was to have level 3 hacking skills.
the whole point of the game is to let you choose which augs you want, then they go and force you to unlock level 3 hacking, otherwise you cant finish this mission.
even the level design itself was very inconsistent.
some levels had 101 ways you could go, above, below, around, ect, ect.
other levels heres your path, no going above, no going around, just stick to this floor and this corridor.
a little consistency would be nice!

11 years ago

I was bored one day and noticed Deus Ex was on sale for $15. I snatched it up and let's just say that was one of smartest purchases I have ever made. It's a fantastic game that features deep gameplay and a world that just sucks you in because it is just oozing with atmosphere.

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