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Rumor: Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Focuses On Pirates

Assassin's Creed III experimented with naval battles, but maybe the next franchise entry will have an even heavier focus on the high seas.

According to a tip sent to Kotaku , the next AC title may be called Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag . The premise? Well, pirates are obviously involved.

Ubisoft hasn't officially confirmed anything, although they did announce that a new Assassin's Creed installment would launch this fiscal year. They also said we'd get a new character and a new setting, so this rumor definitely fits that information. The tipster leaked a poster (which will apparently be on store walls as of March 4), and it shows a white-hooded assassin with a pirate or two surrounding him. Is the protagonist a pirate…? This also coincides with what a Reddit user claimed to have seen earlier this month:

"I was on a flight where the lady in the row in front of me was working on a powerpoint presentation on marketing strategies of several gaming titles. And one that stood out the most was AC4: Black Flags, aimed for release 2013 Holiday season according to her slide. It already had a cool looking logo for it."

For the record, I'd like to say that Ubisoft did a great job with the naval battles in ACIII. They were done about as well as one could hope, so perhaps they're using that experience and building on it for ACIV… Still, I wanna be able to climb up to my viewpoints and explore, so make sure there's a lot of land involved, damnit.

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11 years ago

Oh good. After killing EVERYONE from the entire first part of the franchise they want to add in a new guy. Im not looking foward to what they do with this. SPOILER!!!++++++++_______+++++ Minerva escaping felt so… Cheesy. I have high hopes for the assassin story but not a single ounce of hope for the modern story.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Yeah the end of 3 made me want to puke my b@llz up through my mouth.

11 years ago

Hint: Writing "spoiler" *after* giving a spoiler about character death isn't helpful. (Thanks for that, by the way.)

11 years ago

This could be really cool.

If this works out, I will damn Ubisoft for always coming up with new ways to buy their annual Assassins Creed entries….

The Naval combat in ACIII was one of my favourite parts of the game, and the Caribbean would be a great setting for an AC game.

11 years ago

After the new Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned game got canceled Ive been waiting for a good Pirate fix. Can't think of another franchise aside from the former, that id like to see this world portrayed in. This would be very cool!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/27/2013 12:38:24 AM

11 years ago

I agree with you Mr. Dutka. I thought the naval battles were a bliss in ACIII. It's actually something different. I can see Ubisoft Montreal making a new franchise or AC spinoffs that focus solely on being a pirate. Was I the only one happy during the naval side missions where the wrath of god literally occurred while trying to take out the other ships? Man that massive wave that would come caught me off guard sometimes, but it was AWESOME! 🙂

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

The naval parts are by far the best parts of AC3 with out a doubt!

11 years ago

I reaaaally hope it has that Sid Meier`s Pirates feel to it…

11 years ago

I'd rather have a real Pirates sequel, to be honest. But that would be really interesting. The original is rightfully a true classic.

11 years ago

Is this even Assassin's Creed?
What about Imperial China, Fuedal Japan, Victorian Britain, the Spanish Inquisition, Ancient Greece or the Russian or French Revolutions?
Why pirates is all I'm asking.

11 years ago

I really want them to do Imperial Russian with the comic book character Nikolai Orelov.

11 years ago

Wait a second, is that Cervantes on the left!?

11 years ago

That DOES look a great deal like Cervantes (One of my faves from the Soul Edge series, AND 1 of only 3 characters to be featured in every game of the series so far, Siegfried and Mitsurugi being the other 2) and I would say the "new" Assassins' outfit looks like Connor's outfit towards the end of the game… Hmmm I wonder if the next SC game will have Connor make an appearance…

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

After the crud that was AC3 i said to myself the only way i'd buy another AC game was if it was based on the only good part of the game…the navel battles!!
Damn you ubisoft.

11 years ago

I think they are drifting off their original, exotic concept now. First the American civil war, and now *pirates*?! Should we start preparing ourselves for AC:Zombies next?

I don't know… I really don't know. There used to be something distinctly elegant, classy about the Assassins Creed brand.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/27/2013 4:42:02 AM

11 years ago

Pirates are quite an exotic concept for a video game in recent years. This is obviously just an in-betweener title like Revelations and Brotherhood were. I don't really get why its any less classy than the other ones.

11 years ago

Maybe exotic, but definitely not classy.

There's just so much world history they could have explored instead, everything from the Silk Road to China to the Faraohs of Egypt. If pirates really is the next theme they drift off into regular game fantasy worlds, imo.

11 years ago

sigh, ubisoft for f*cks sake your turning into antivision!
enough, just give the franchise a little break and time to evolve would ya!?
AC3 was SUCH a disappointment, people need time to get that sour taste out of their mouths, and the developers need a little time to get some ideas on the table and bring things back where they belong!

11 years ago

Oh shut up. Every AC game since 2 has been a disappointment to you.

11 years ago

Yup. About time to move on. Clearly it isn't a game for you.

11 years ago

no, you shut up!
whole point of the comments section is to voice your opinion on things, so just try to stop me!

revelations was actually quite good.
and brotherhood was freaking jesus christ compared to 3!
so was the original…….

Last edited by ___________ on 2/27/2013 8:47:05 AM

11 years ago

Everybody shut up!

11 years ago

Shut up shuttin' up!

-yosamity Sam

11 years ago

Pirates rule but unfortunately nothing can make these playable for me.

11 years ago

How about keeping the AC away, and just making this a Next Gen Pirate game. I'm sick of assassins. We need more pirates!

11 years ago

Eyes peeled for a console reveal of Raven's Cry.

11 years ago

Not really into pirates but..time will tell

11 years ago

*Obligatory joke about Ubisoft and butt pirates*

11 years ago

Again, if it's done right and has great game play and story I don't see a problem with this. Surprised they are calling it ACIV though. I figured they would just call it AC Black Flag because it's getting released so close to ACIII. I hope it's great, fingers crossed.

11 years ago

Maybe they need to establish a new retard inside the animus before they start kicking out more spinoffs and a numbered title is needed to do that.

11 years ago

I really like the sea battles in ac3 it will if they able to do it in multiplayer i just don'tif it a possibility tech wise

11 years ago

I was let down by AC3 quite a bit and think 2 and 1 were the strongest titles.

I think I'm just getting sick of games becoming streamlined to appeal to everyone that I notice it more when a game feels like it requires not skill to play.

That is a personal preference to gaming that I have. If it isn't hard or challenging me in some way why would I bother playing it? For fun some might say, but playing something easy is not fun for me. I only have fun when I feel like I'm being challenged.

People can use video games to grow and to get smarter, playing harder games is a great way to do this.

Heck since I started playing Dota 2 I have just gotten better at pretty much every other game because Dota 2 forced me to think so differently.

Anyway just my two cents.

Also for real Ubisoft needs to give this series a break. I don't understand how people fail to see that annualized games are purely for the companies behind them and benefit the gamers very little. They need to take time off and make each entry feel special, and have new features and develop those features while building off of the core features that made the previous titles so great.

11 years ago

I definitely feel like I coasted through AC3. And I -really- felt like the open space just made it feel like it was a longer game than it really was.

I just really didn't see any challenge in it this time around, nor was the story told well. (I think it was a good one at it's core, but I realllllly didn't care about anyone. I only got excited when buddy MENTIONED Ezio. lol)

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