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Kojima: Ground Zeroes Almost “Too Risky” To Even Release?

Oh, don't worry, Kojima. Controversy always sells.

During a roundtable review session attended by Videogamer , the MGS guru said his new project, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes , might actually be too "risky" to put on store shelves.

Kojima said he'll be "targeting a lot of taboos" and "a lot of mature themes," which does sound intriguing. But on the downside, he said they're so controversial, that he's not even sure he'll be able to release the game. Furthermore, if it did launch, he's afraid it won't sell because of all those elements. But those who are worried should remember that this guy is a visionary and a perfectionist so he's probably going to see this through to the end: "As a creator I want to take that risk," he said.

He also added that to him, creativity is more important than sales. Well, that's true from the artist's standpoint but sadly, not true from a business standpoint. We'd hate to see this game fail!

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

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Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Its the 21 century,who cares about taboo's.
Just label it 15's or 18's or whatever the american equivalent is and release this game quicksmart.

Last edited by Lord carlos on 2/23/2013 10:08:51 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Dude, a taboo is a taboo. No getting around it.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Only for people who believe they'll be punished in an afterlife by a vengeful god.
"You'll BURN in the fires of HELL"

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
11 years ago

Metal Gear will sell as long as Hideo is the director, period! He is just stirring the pot, which is done on purpose!

11 years ago

Kojima is just about the only game maker left whom I trust means more than "blood, guts and cussing" when he says "mature themes." Sometimes he seems like the only adult left in the room. As long as he is helming the project, I know it will be done tastefully.

11 years ago

That would probably just make it sell more. People love a good controversy.

11 years ago

MGS: Ground Zero… well unless you talk about worldtrade or middle east, then yea you're booked

11 years ago

Actually no, even those things are not taboo anymore.

MGR:R Mentions 9/11 several times, and a lot of dialogue is about the wars in Iraq and Afghan.

11 years ago

Wait. What? A Hideo Kojima made game failing? Not gonna sell?

Holy Sh*t! I think the end is near again.

In Hideo we trust!

11 years ago

Please be a PS4 launch title please be a PS4 launch title…

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Also a ps3 release for those who have'nt got 400-500 bucks laying around

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I will buy it, i just hope it's a full MGS experience and not a limited Xbox 360 experience.

11 years ago

Cool, well I'm not worried. Unless of course they make Snake into a homo who can't get enough guy on guy action =p
That would suck.

11 years ago

Literally and figuratively 😛

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Thats why they had to clone big boss!
He could'nt get it up for the ladies!!!

11 years ago

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Tamer

11 years ago

….. well he already was a 'snake eater'

Taboo man. Taboo.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I think making Volgin a homosexual in MGS3 was bad enough….

11 years ago

I hope this comes out for the PS4. Great developers like Hideo need not worry about risk factors for anything. Even if it is touching upon different taboos in our society. It's ultimately up to the consumer (us gamers :)) if they want to be exposed to such content. Please be a launch title for the PS4!! 🙂

11 years ago

He doesnt need to worry about it in the slightest.

11 years ago

What a peculiar thing to say. It's not as if he can just cancel the game at this point. But that does make me think it will be PS4 since it must not be far along in development.

11 years ago

Taboo or not I will be getting this game Day 1. It looks real good and Hideo in control of it, even better. Push it Hideo, go for the risk.

Last edited by KingRed on 2/23/2013 2:43:02 PM

11 years ago

I hate it when someone is saying something and he in reality is saying nothing.
Spit it out or wait 'till you can, damnit.

11 years ago

Well I reckon it depends on what the considered controversy is. It'll be decent as long as it fits with the whole theme of Metal Gear, which I'm confident Kojima will fulfill. If he pulls off shit that is out of context or touch with the fantasy of Metal Gear, then that will be a true controversy.

11 years ago

Considering the trailer for Ground Zeroes, it may have to do with the trafficking and scientific abuse of children. That's never an easy subject to broach, I would say.

11 years ago

oh come on dude just TRY to stop people from buying this!
this guys gotten such a name for himself he could take a rock, and engrave his name into it, pop it into a game case, give it a new name of a new franchise, and it would fly of the shelfs like yesterdays news!
if ground zeros sells poorly, than it will mean ive created a car that can fly, break the speed of sound, and costs 20 dollars to make!
a koji game that sells poorly…… HA thats funny!

11 years ago

It'll be fine, there's no semblance of depth to the dialog with games out there right now for the most part.

11 years ago

The biggest taboo is that it is coming out for the xbox. Disgusting! 😉

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