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Dead Space 3 Infinite Resources Glitch Isn’t Really A Glitch

That ain't no glitch. It's a little gift for the savvy.

GameFront initially discovered what appeared to be a glitch in Dead Space 3 , as you can see in the video embedded below. It lets you totally bypass the option to purchase resources with real money: Just farm up one random resource that infinitely respawns.

Interestingly enough, when GameFront approached developer Visceral Games with their discovery, the designers responded as follows; you might be surprised at the reply:

"The resource-earning mechanic in Dead Space 3 is not a glitch. We have no plans to issue a patch to change this aspect of the game. We encourage players to explore the game and discover the areas where resources respawn for free. We’ve deliberately designed Dead Space 3 to allow players to harvest resources by playing through the game. For those that wish to accumulate upgrades instantly, we have enabled an optional system for them to buy the resources at a minimal cost ($1-$3)."

That's nice of them, isn't it? This whole microtransaction idea still chafes a little in my mind but at least we don't have to spend real money to get super powerful. …we just have to spend real time, that's all.