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Rayman Legends A Wii U Exclusive No Longer, Going Multiplatform

Exclusivity has proven to be a tough thing to hang on to, hasn't it? Kinda sad.

Mere days after learning that Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge was no longer a Wii U exclusive , we find that Nintendo has lost another one: Rayman Legends .

Ubisoft has confirmed that the anticipated title will be coming to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. On a sour note for Wii U owners, they have to wait for the game, too- All three versions appear set to launch in September; originally, the Wii U version was going to release on February 26. Said EMEA chief marketing and sales officer Geoffroy Sardin:

"We heard from many Xbox & Playstation owners and Rayman fans who told us they really wanted to play Rayman Legends on their current system. We decided to give the fans what they wanted while at the same time broadening the audience exposed to this innovative and memorable game."

Well, hey, we like it when as many gamers as possible have access to fun games. There's nothing wrong with that. But personally, I find that exclusive software is one of the more entertaining parts of the industry, especially as exclusive offerings can be head-and-shoulders above multiplatform games.

Related Game(s): Rayman Legends

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11 years ago

Next to go multi-platform: Bayonetta 2.

Honestly, being exclusive on a the Wii U (a console that hasn't sold very many units at this time) is suicide for the Rayman series. At this point, bringing the game to the PS3/Xbox 360/PC is a smart move. I'll certainly buy it.

11 years ago

Bayo is financed by Ninty so you can forget it. They saved it from the abyss.

As for Rayman I think it should have at least maintained the same release date for WiiU owners. Doesn't matter about multiplat but now they clearly stated they are delaying it for other systems. That's a good backstab right there. I wouldn't mind it releasing on WiiU first since it was already labeled an exclusive at first. I guess the deal must have gone really bad between Ninty and them to pull this kind of ugly trick.

Personally I would have bought it on the 26th since I own all systems but now it kinda put a wrench in my plans and I feel like just dropping that game. I will have higher purchases priorities by then like Bioshock infinite ps3/GTA ps3/Pokemon X and Y 3ds lol and I really am thinking about getting Ni No Kuni after I am done with Persona 4 Vita. Almost forgot about Sly Cooper. I'll get and play all these before even considering buying any games from a backstabbing company. Pretty much y I am avoiding SE products unless they really strike my heart lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 2/8/2013 1:46:32 AM

11 years ago

Guess you don't buy anything from SE then, eh, neo? Haha

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 2/8/2013 4:52:58 AM

11 years ago

@ Neo

I forgot about that. My mistake. It's hard to believe Mario and Bayonetta are stablemates in this case.

11 years ago

Maybe Ninty will want to make an actual profit on Bayonaise 2 and just ask for a lil cash to license it for use on ps3 and 360.

11 years ago

lol yeah I don't buy much from SE. But I did buy/play through FFXIII and started XIII-2 (gift).

And well yeah Brighat it's rare to see something rated M that is Nintendo Exclusive.

@ World, lol but the reason I wrote on the quizz *Why did you buy a Wii U* was: Because you are publishing Bayonetta 2 and have Razor's edge! (Ninty always makes you fill these out whenever you buy things from them) If it were licensed to other systems just like Razor was… I wonder why I'd be keeping it around XD Maybe in hopes of a badass adventure MMO pokemon game lol

11 years ago

god it PISSES me off how publishers wait till 2 weeks before release to announce a delay!
especially when that delay is a 7 month delay!
no problems ubisoft, rayman legends perorder CANCELED!
this is how you treat your fans, well fine it takes 2 to tango!

11 years ago

at Mr. Blank Line

you canceled your pre-order just because ubisoft delay it SMH. Im pre-ordering Rayman Legends as soon as I can. can not wait for it.

11 years ago

no i canceled my order because they waited till 2 weeks before release to tell us.
that and the fact that the game IS finished, the developers took to miiverse complaining themselves that they were put under so much pressure to finish the game for the feb release, and now all that was for nothing!
ubi is just delaying the wiiu launch till september because they dont want it releasing before other systems.
looks like there still sore about zombius lackluster reviews and sales…….

11 years ago

Well that kinda sucks for Wii U owners…

Fair enough that the Wii U hasn't moved a lot of units, and releasing it on current platforms is sure to ensure a better financial gain but…

At the very least the Wii U version should be released as it was intended? What's the point in delaying it….just to coincide with the other releases? Makes no sense :/

11 years ago

I think this was a smart move. Why they would make the sequel to Rayman:Origins a Wii U exclusive is beyond me.

I for one am incredibly happy about this move. I think Rayman Origins is one of the best 2D platformers of all time period. The way it teaches you the different skills through gameplay was awesome and towards the end of the game the difficulty ramped up perfectly to test and challenge me to use all the game had taught me up until that point.

Oh and getting all the speed run times with my friend was possibly the most enjoyable challenging hilarious thing I have ever done with a couch co op game.

Needless to say I am super stoked to do it all again 🙂

11 years ago

Kinda stinks for Wii U owners. But you wont hear me complaining! I was disappointed that I wouldn't get to play Legends, because I loved playing Origins on my Vita. I hope they bring Legends to Vita as well.

11 years ago

Why is wiiu losing so many 3rd party exclusives?

11 years ago

Can't sell any games on that machine.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

140 million reasons

11 years ago

Yeah I really wonder why. It seemed to be doing good. We keep selling out on them. The stock isn't huge but still sells well.

I don't know about the world though. Honestly I had fun with the first wave of games but I don't know what to look forward too at the moment XD Most recent games don't even come out on it since they were not planned at first… The system feels isolated. That might be the problem.

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