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New Assassin’s Creed Coming, Liberation Closes In On 600,000

It's another franchise that could've used a little break, don't you think?

But hey, when the money's still flowing, there's little reason to stop. During a post-earnings conference call , Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot revealed that the next Assassin's Creed will launch during the company's fiscal 2014 year, which is between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. The game will boast a new hero and a new time period.

No platforms were announced but we have to assume it'll be for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Previous rumors have speculated that the new AC will be set in Brazil and potentially include cooperative gameplay. Ubisoft also confirmed that last year's hugely popular Assassin's Creed III has shipped over 12 million copies to date, and the Vita iteration – Assassin's Creed III: Liberation – has sold "close to 600,000" units. That's pretty damn impressive, especially considering that there aren't a ton of Vitas out there just yet.

However, it's possible that that number could be a shipped stat rather than a sold stat. Either way, it's still impressive. It's also interesting to hear that the next AC will be entirely new, just like ACIII was…

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11 years ago

Liberation did come as a pack in for many of those Vitas, that helps sales.

11 years ago

ACL was/is a great game for the vita. Wish there were more games like that. PS Home Arcade on Vita is not cutting it. 😐

11 years ago

I prefer having access to both smaller titles and larger scale liberation/uncharted. We just plain need releases.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

i found ac3 to be very disappointing & have decided to leave the series there.

11 years ago

NO, ubisoft, just NO!
enough with the milking of AC, its time we sat down and figured out what made the franchise so successful and try to bring it back to its roots!
franchise has been going downhill ever since AC2 came out!
go read PC power plays review, a 4/10.
yea it was harsh, VERY harsh!
but what they said, and complained about, is 100% fair and accurate!

11 years ago

Ok, this is getting ridiculous. Ubisoft, slow your roll!

11 years ago

They really, seriously need to slow down now. I haven't even gotten to AC3 yet. This is not fun anymore.

11 years ago

What's wrong with them making more AC? If it's done right why would it be a bad thing? Seriously strange responses. They could wait another 3 years to make AC4 and it could suck. If you don't want another AC game yet then don't play it. Wait a few years and when you get that AC itch you'll have many new games to play.

The AC universe is amazing and the more it I can experience the better. That's the way I feel with Dead Space. Oh and Dead Space 3 is absolutely amazing by the way!

I just recently got the Platinum for ACIIIL and I thought the game was an amazing handheld AC experience. I have ACIII and have only played the beginning. It was to soon after ACIIIL for me to jump into another AC game. This series is amazing and as long as they do it right I am happy!

11 years ago

What's the point of buying a 60 dollar game if you get to play it one damn time before there's already 2 more 60 dollar sequels setting on store shelves. Give me time to enjoy what I got. That's like coming out with a redesigned car model every 3 months.

11 years ago

I can only speak for me, but I just think it trivializes the whole series.

Just imagine if GTA had been annual. Sure, I could skip an entry or two between each new GTA I got me, but it would not have been the same! This year GTA5 is a HUGE event, we've been waiting for a long time and are HUNGRY for more GTA. Had it been like this if GTA4 was released just 6 months ago? Of course not.

11 years ago

Did they have negative feedback from fans about Conner and the colonial US? I wonder if they did or are the days of sequels in the AC franchise put off for awhile.

11 years ago

I don't mind another AC at all. Yet, Connor only gets one game?! I guess it makes sense due to the way ACIII ended. As long as they don't screw up the story then I'm all in.

11 years ago

Yes, I need my AC fix! I 100%-ed AC3 during the holiday season, probably my favorite PS3 game.

11 years ago

Not taking time off before a new console release is gonna hurt the franchise a little.

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