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Naughty Dog: “It’s Nice To Really Have Mastered The PS3”

No developer understands the PlayStation 3 as well as Naughty Dog. Bold but accurate.

And after spending over six years working with the platform, the Uncharted studio believes they can effectively max out Sony's aging machine. In speaking to GameZone , The Last Of Us lead designer Jacob Minkoff explained their progression as follows:

"Hardware cycles are always really interesting because at the beginning of a hardware cycle, you don't really know how to use the hardware yet. I think Uncharted 1 used maybe 30 percent efficiency. Uncharted 2 we were finally using 100 percent, but it wasn't as efficient as it could be. Then, Uncharted 3 we got way more efficient."

As as for The Last Of Us , Minkoff says they are "as efficient as we can possibly be" and they're "squeezing every last drop of power out of the system." He added that it's a console they know "really, really well" and if you don't know how to utilize all that power, then it won't help to make a game better. Said Minkoff:

"For us, it's nice to really have mastered the PS3 at this point and be able to push things where we haven't been able to push before. It's only because we learned the PS3 so well that we can finally push graphics that are this complex."

As for the next generation, Minkoff said he doesn't think anyone is necessarily ready for a new system. He says there's excitement but at the same time, they're saying, "we have to learn this now." Well, if there's one team that can learn the PS4 faster and better than anyone else, I'd say it's Naughty Dog, wouldn't you?

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

Love ND. Glad they enjoy challenges and they also enjoy mastering things. I will be mastering the Survivors Edition soon 😀

11 years ago

Because of their PS3 mastery, Naughty Dog remains my favorite developer.

If only every studio was as talented.

11 years ago

That's the problem with new consoles.Once its launched it will take atleast 4-5 years to get a perfect game

Last edited by Kiryu on 2/5/2013 12:06:23 PM

11 years ago

I remember when some developers said the ps3 was impossible to work on. They couldn't understand the infrastructure and Naughty Dog and a number of other talented development teams kept cranking out grea titles.
I have a lot of respect for them
I usually dont purchase survival/horror/creepy games, though i love those type of films But because i KNOW that i'll possibly miss out on this generation's best game, i'll definitely get The Last of Us day 1

11 years ago

Do you recall any of those quotes coming from 1st party Sony devs? It's only lazy third party devs that got used to working with the 360 for a full year that complained about the PS3's "complex architecture" which if it does turn out that the PS4 doesn't have another exotic architecture, I will be let down.

11 years ago

Yes i remember. It sucked because 1st party developers and a few 3rd party developers thought of it as a good challenge.
Though the 360 is a good machine, the ps3 iis a different beast entirely. I never understood how multiplat games looked better on microsoft machines for BOTH generations The first xbox was more powerful than the ps2 but the ps3 is more powerful than the 360. It all comes down to lazy development and general ps3 hate especially during the first couple of years

11 years ago

The XB360 was very straightforward to develop for. The PS3 with its "exotic" architecture and the pain in the ass that was the RAM being split caused a lot of problems with multi-platform games. Compared to the XB360 the PS3 was a total nightmare and you can't take a 1st/2nd party developer's bragging seriously since they only had to work and focus on one platform, if ND was 3rd party they would have had the same issues and complaints. The processing power differences between the two is not that big. Many developers either had to do the PS3 version first and then move it to XB360 (because it was easier than doing it the other way and EA learned that quickly) or have two teams working separately on each platform for one game which drove up development costs substantially.

Next generation is going to be different with Sony not having Krazy Ken running the PS division (that man loved to "challenge" devs) and their going with more traditional hardware architecture means multi-platform games are pretty much going to be identical with only perhaps minor advantages for one console or the other. Top it off, developers will not have to have two teams this time around working on two versions of the same game that along with the significant ease of development compared to the PS3 is going to help speed up development times and reduce development costs, perhaps significantly to where the jump in costs from this generation to next may be minimized or even leave some projects costing less. Also helps that it seems like the next XBox is looking to have similar hardware inside it.

We won't see a repeat of train wrecks like the PS3 version of Skyrim with its memory and DLC issues.

11 years ago

I don't like the way Ben calls the PS3 "an aging machine" when it's only been maxed out by Naughty Dog and no one else. But I suppose he calls it that because it has been around for a while.

11 years ago

Understatement of this gen for sure! Love you ND!

11 years ago

Technically they have mastered it, and while Uncharted 3 was a better game techincally, U2 was lightning in a bottle, once in a life time synthesis of perfect story, game design and technical artistry that no game has really equaled this gen.

Hoping that The Last of Us is able to do so as well. Loved Druckmann's work on Uncharted 2, and I missed him working 3. I can't wait to see what he and Straley have cooked up for The Last of Us. I think this will be the pinnacle of PS3 development in all respects.

Last edited by Twistedfloyd on 2/5/2013 1:32:11 PM

11 years ago

It's a shame all that will count for little in the next gen, hopefully Sony 1'st party studios don't get as lazy as MS just because the new architecture is easy peasy.

11 years ago

but mon ami, Halo and Forza managed to look progressively excellent through the years. The same could be said for the psuedo-exclusive Gears of War franchise.

MS just doesn't have many studios outside of Turn 10 and 343 Industries that are worth much of anything to gamer guys like us.

11 years ago

They still couldn't do anything special aside from look nice.

11 years ago

Well that's just wonderful. I have to say if it were not for Naughty Dog and Santa Monica PS3 gamers would have a harder time flaunting graphical superiority. I don't mean to say Gran Turismo and Ratchet CiT weren't technically impressive, but I think those games were less able to make even monkeys go "ooh ooooh nicer-graphics-Nicer-graphics-AH AHH-on Playstation 3"

(temjin doesn't regularly quote monkey talk)

11 years ago

And Heavy Rain

11 years ago

the Heavy Rain argument fell flat when cage revealed the game's graphics were essentially only processed by the RSX. So basically, whatever Quantic Dream achieved on PS3 with HR, and given 2 or 3 dvd's worth of space they would've been able to reproduce the same results, maybe even better results on the 360, seeing that most devs I know agree the Xenos was the better GPU of the two. Which I agree with when examining the tech specs between the two chips.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/5/2013 8:04:21 PM

11 years ago

Except it really isn't. The Xbox can toot its own horns but it will not make anything remotely close to something like Uncharted or Heavy Rain. The way the architecture is built for the ps3 allows the developers to make amazing things that others have said weren't possible but both Sony Santa Monica and Naughty Dog have proven wrong.

11 years ago

Don't care how it was made, nothing on 360 compares.

11 years ago

Sawao I don't agree on the point of HR as I already stated. The Xenos was built on an architecture that was one generation more sophisticated than that of the RSX and was using tech that wasn't even implemented in the most current ATi offerings of cutting edge PC gpus at the time, which was indeed later adopted by future PC implementations. I'm not speaking in terms of fillrate or memory bandwidth, but 'archictecture' as you termed it. The RSX on the other hand was based on 'going out of date' geforce 7000 series GPU that used a more conventional architecture that was in part abandoned on future revisions of Nvidia's tech, namely split vertex and shader pipelines in favor of a more unified design. The Geforce 8 series chips were substantially more forward thinking and were in high production for laptops, like the 8600m, well before the PS3 shipped. It's sad the PS3 never got this GPU upgrade (though, ironically, one year later many of those 8600m chips got recalled for pre-maturely frying). Aside from that, looking at the benefit, usually seen in the form as alpha maps, due to the embedded 10mb of eDram the gpu has access to, including also less of an OS footprint, I have no doubt the 360 could be a match for a game that didn't rely on the eccentricities of PS3's processing design, other than storage capacity of it's media.

As I said, multiplatform devs have already shared similar sentiments over the years. And really, when you look at the best looking multiplatform games on the market today, BF3, Crysis 2, Batman, AC, Rage, Skyrim and others, it's hard to make any arguments that would seem valid in my mind to suggest otherwise. That is, to suggest a CELL unassisted graphical production couldn't be done on hardware that has proven it 'can' be a match concerning the RSX. It's devs like Santa Monica and Naughty DOg, and NOW Quantic Dream with their Beyond project, that have made it known just how much they're leveraging the CELL. Their productions I unequivically agree can not be matched like-for-like on 360. (this includes also GT5 and Ratchet CiT)

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/5/2013 10:31:49 PM

11 years ago

Temjin, you're discussing with fans now. They are just cheering for their team, they don't really want to discuss facts or do analysis. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/6/2013 8:59:32 AM

11 years ago

d!ck comment, beam….

"Their productions I unequivically agree can not be matched like-for-like on 360."

Was a lot of disagreement to inevitably agree with the foundation of what World said, eh?

For the record, I don't care about specs or how something is made either. All I know is that my exclusive library is factually and analytically superior on the PS3.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/6/2013 12:27:28 PM

11 years ago

underdog ? no, I don't agree about Heavy Rain….. that's what he suggested as a followup to what I said first. I consider HR as something that COULD be matched on 360. Your quote of mine is in context of the games that DO use Cell 😉

thanks Beam 😉 sometimes that's how it goes

11 years ago

The water graphics in Uncharted games rocks. The Last Of Us will give PS3 a much needed brutal work out.

11 years ago

The scenery in the Uncharted games is f****** beautiful.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 2/5/2013 11:50:28 PM

11 years ago

only bad thing about new systems, your diving into the void blindfolded and deaf!
but thats the fun about it, discovering new possibilities and learning the constraints.

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