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Rockstar On GTAV Delay: Conspiracy Theories Are Off Base

All you conspiracy theorists, calm down. There is no secret ulterior motive behind the Grand Theft Auto V delay.

After Rockstar delayed the launch of Grand Theft Auto V until September 17, the rumors and speculation began to fly. Maybe it wasn't just about needing extra time; maybe Rockstar and Take-Two pushed it back for other, deeper reasons…

But the developer says that despite the headline-making quality of such ideas, the fact remains that they simply want to make the best game possible. As they clarified at their official blog :

"To those of you saying or seeing various conspiracy theories about there being some other ulterior motive for this delay, rest assured that they’re all nonsense – literally the only reason we’ve delayed the release is because we want the game to be as good as it needs to be."

I'm willing to believe them. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see GTAV end up on a next-gen console , either. Can you imagine it releasing as a launch title for the PS4…? Good God .

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

I would love to see GTA5 as a launch title but when i think about it, i believe that i'll keep my ps3 even after i purchase a ps4. So i'll like having something different to play on both consoles

11 years ago

How can a delay until September can make one assumes that Rockstar might release GTAV on next-gen consoles?

The thought never even cross my mind when Rockstar announced the delay.

11 years ago

Cuz consoles could be out by December and that would be a great place to sell a prettier version.

11 years ago

Yea, but that's in December, GTAV comes out in September.

11 years ago

They are like sort of close ya know

11 years ago

That's the first thing you'd say about a conspiracy.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago


11 years ago

HD versions of games seem to have been the thing to do this gen. The thing to do for everyone but Rockstar anyway. I somehow doubt they'll change that stance for GTA5. I suppose people can just look forward to a full fledged, built-from-the-ground-up version of GTA in the coming years =) That's better anyway, right?

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

already pre ordered it on ps3

11 years ago

So just because it is said officially, it has to be true? Or do they say so… To hide something? <cue dramatic soundtrack>

I don't think you've calmed a single conspiracy theorist with this post, good sire. They don't settle with that explanation. 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/5/2013 1:28:21 AM

11 years ago

sorry R*, but i find that really hard to believe.
the games been in development for so long, you have been pushing the spring release for so long now, than all of a sudden its september 17.
if you went from spring to TBA 2013 than ok its because of a delay, but to go from we have no idea when its releasing besides some time in spring, to a exact date, seems a little fishy.
regarding a next gen remake though id much rather see a remake of 3, VC and SA, all remade for the glorious specs of next gen systems.
now THAT would be a reason to buy next gen consoles!

11 years ago

.. But what *are* the conspiracy theories? What are people saying?

11 years ago

whats the big deal whether theres a conspiracy or not?

11 years ago

I would hardly have held it against them if they decided to postpone the release of GTA V a few months, given the national "dialogue" taking place around violence in video games these days. I give them a lot of respect for flat-out saying that is not the case, though. Rockstar has always stood tall and proud against those who blame violent images in media for real life violence. Good to know they're not backing down when we need them most.

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