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Analyst: GTAV May “Eventually” End Up On Next-Gen Consoles

Could Grand Theft Auto V be one of the best reasons to own a next-gen console?

One analyst seems to think it's possible. After this past week's confirmation that the hotly anticipated blockbuster had been delayed until September 17, Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz has said that Take-Two Interactive "may have plans to eventually publish GTAV on the next set of consoles."

Speaking on the possible ramifications of the delay, Creutz said that by itself, the delay wouldn't "mean any significant change to expected FY14 financial results." But at the same time, as quoted by Trusted Reviews , he added-

"However, there is an issue in that we expect the next generation of Xbox and/or PlayStation consoles to launch in the December quarter. We think the closer proximity of GTA V to the next cycle could, at the margin, impact lifetime sales of the title, though we believe that a title of GTA's stature will still be a major seller regardless.

We think there also could be some impact on the legs of likely GTA V downloadable content as the next-gen installed base increases through 2014. However, we suspect Take-Two may have plans to eventually publish GTA V on the next set of consoles in some form to offset this."

Can you imagine if GTAV launched for one or more next-gen machines? That would prove to be some great incentive to spring for the fancy new consoles, huh? I'd certainly consider buying one.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

I dont have x hundred bucks to spend on a new console at the mo
Maybe in 2017 after the 1st hardware revision and the tech is solid!

Last edited by Lord carlos on 2/3/2013 11:16:50 PM

11 years ago

I didn't even think it was anything other than a given that Rockstar would make upscale versions for the next gen, likely while they are working on the PC port that will pop up eventually.

11 years ago

So my off-hand prediction was probably right?

11 years ago

I'm in no hurry to get the next PS whatever it's called, I'm pretty happy with my PS3 right now, thank you.

11 years ago

I hope not, I cannot see myself buying a PS4 beyond a year of it's release. even if it is on the PS3 it will somewhat lower the experience knowing i have a really limited version. To be honest I still believe it will be for the PS3. the shops in GAME even had posters up in prep for the March release.

11 years ago

id be quite surprised if GTAV does not launch on next gen systems!
it always takes R* 3+ years to make a GTA game, so that means the next one wont hit till 3 years into the consoles lifespan, or in another perspective half way through.
leaving space for 1 more.
just like what current systems had.
not to mention it would be stupid not to release it on future systems simply because 1 it will help 2Ks future.
there going to want to get as many people onto new systems as soon as possible.
what game is going to get people to buy a new system more than freaking GTA!?
than the same perspective on the manufactures point, $ony and M$, they would be pushing hell for leather for R* to release it on future platforms.
so the pressure console manufactures are putting on them, added to the benefits it would have on themselves, just seems common sense to release it for next gen consoles!
only bad thing that could bring is hurting the sales of the current gen version, but so what?

11 years ago

Yes please. I don't want to buy a new game two months before I get me a new console.

11 years ago

Was thinking the same thing. If a souped up version of GTA V will be on the new consoles at launch, I'll almost surely hold out for that version. But man would it be tough waiting a month or two while everyone else played the game I've been eagerly anticipating for years…

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

Why would I want to buy a game AND a PS4, to play a game that would run fine on my PS3? Guess I'll be getting it on PC then.

11 years ago

You could always stick to playing games on your PC…though that would mean moving to a new gaming site, PCExtreme anyone?

11 years ago

Hmmm….GTA5 get's a delay to autumn, everyone puts it down to current sensitivity to violent games, then Sony teases a major announcement for Feb 20 that is strongly rumored to be the PS4. So, is the delay of GTA5 evidence that could strengthen the rumor of a PS4 launch – in other words GTA5 is delayed so it can launch with PS4?

11 years ago

I really getting sick of these so called "analyst"

11 years ago

I just want their money, so far I'm at least as accurate as Pachter over the last 6 years.

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