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Dead Space 3 Expands With 11 Pieces Of DLC At Launch

Day-one downloadable content has become quite the incentive this generation. Buy the game when it launches and bam, extra stuff is immediately available.

According to a Eurogamer report , the highly anticipated Dead Space 3 will release with no less than 11 pieces of DLC available, including new suits and weapons for Isaac and nifty new abilities and various upgrades.

It seems that most of the upgrades will enhance the game's much-lauded crafting and customization system, and that includes amping up the scavenger bots you can use to salvage weapon parts and other resources. Three packs were spotted on the US PlayStation Store, each one priced at $4.99, while the cost for individual new weapons and suits ranges from $.99 to $4.99. Remember, in addition to DLC, the game will boast microtransactions, which lets you use real-world currency to bolster the experience.

Look for our Dead Space 3 review this week!

Related Game(s): Dead Space 3

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11 years ago

Agreed, if the whole talk of social media consoles and such take off, and this sad DLC trend continues, I'm seriously considering making the PS3 my last gaming console. I might look into retro gaming for my fix. Or maybe I'll just get a PS4 3 years into its life, that way many games will be half price and contain all DLC crap already in it…

11 years ago

This day 1 chargeable dlc and "let's milk it" microtransactions are starting to piss me off. I hope it's not going to become a common trend on console. New games cost a lot on day 1 already. I enjoyed Dead Space 2 on release, but I may wait for a complete edition of DS3 to be released a few months after.

Last edited by Dukemz_UK on 2/1/2013 10:48:25 PM

11 years ago

I can't stand this petty-ante stuff, but if I can still earn everything that's in the DLC by playing it then I'd be alright with buying the game.

If it's not included just by ranking/leveling up on my own, then forget it.

I guess we'll have to wait & see what others find out once they've played it & start posting everywhere.

11 years ago

If it's day-one DLC it should've been in the game to begin with, period. I'm really getting sick of developers pulling this crap and more annoying is that people actually buy it.

11 years ago

That's a bold slap, we'll see what gamers think I guess.

11 years ago

The more they talk about this game, the farther they push me away from supporting it/them. Maybe I'll purchase it used, maybe.

11 years ago

I won't be preordering this now for sure!
I'll probably wait for a GOTY edition or something similar.

I love it when an awesome game gets additional content but its completely different when they take away from a game to get more money.

11 years ago

So Dead Space I will ignore, in my book that is called deceit.

11 years ago

I read all the DLC and microtransaction stuff that was being launched day one with this and I have to say WOW!

Really EA? How much milking of games are they going to try to get away with. Further more when will gamers stop supporting this? By buying the game you are supporting this crap whether you use it or not.

Before you say it is optional, yeah that is true it is. But these systems are set up to tease and lure in gamers to pay for stuff. You see it all the time, and it is no wonder some of the most lucrative games right now are "F2P". It is the psychology of having something there that you can get with ease and a quick payment that a lot of people fall prey too. Even if they say "meh its only 2 bucks and I enjoy the game more now", its the principal man, and its just plain scummy and those people are supporting this unethical tactic.

Okay here is an example. I'm a personal Trainer and I teach martial arts and gymnastics(yes that is my real profession). Imagine if I gave someone a "complete" workout program, and then talked about other exercises that they didnt "need" but could give them an edge, but it would cost them money per exercise? What if I held back martial arts knowledge and made people pay to learn "secret" moves(which don't exist btw). What if I charged someone to go from learning cartwheels to round offs, because they didn't technically "need" to know them but it would give them an edge or advantage?

Seriously its freaking BS and EA should not be supported for this. EA is whats wrong with the industry, doing ALL they can to make as much money while spending the least.

Fact- they cut money from Research and Development and put half of that into PR and the rest just well probably to pad the shareholders or something. You can actually look this up online it was on reddit a while ago.

But of course I must be mistaken, this is for the gamer right? The game would certainly be worse without these "features" right?

Come on if this isn't the most blatant smack to the face example of the BS corporate nature of the gaming industry I don't know what is.

11 years ago

Actually I think it's more like this if you don't mind me adapting your example.

You're a personal trainer who have invested time and money to create a good workout scheme. There's more you could have done but you want to get people signed up and so you 'finalise' and start taking applications for the classes to start in 6 months time. During that 6 months you continue to develop a few additional elements or routines but then when it gets to day 1 of your classes rather than including the other non necessary but complementary elements in the sign up fee you instead charge a premium fee for them. You continue to charge an additional fee for all the other new elements and routines you create from then on until you discontinue the class.

Also the additional fee is never really proportionate to the added value. You give 60 routines for your $60 sign up fee but every new routine charges $5 each…

11 years ago

I don't get the abundance off weapons and gear anyway… I played Mass Effect 3 and I upgraded from each section one gun to the max, that I would deploy to my crew. I played it Insanity no problem.

I used 1 Sniper Rifle, 1 Assault rifle and 1 small handgun. More you don't need, it is just a distraction. I wouldn't pay 1 cent for extra weapons and gear anyway.

11 years ago

Hey, look. EA's being greedy. Never would have guessed.

Glad I'm picking up Sly Cooper this Tuesday and not DLC Space 3.

11 years ago

It's almost like people forgot Dead Space 2 did this as well.

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