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“Madden 25” Celebrates A Quarter-Century Of Pigskin Goodness?

So everyone would assume that this year's Madden will be called Madden NFL 14 . But as it turns out, maybe not…

If you check the official announcement from publisher Electronic Arts, you'll see that whatever it's called, the new Madden will land on August 27, as usual. The franchise has typically released new installments during the latter part of August. Fans expect it now.

But the interesting part is that instead of being called "Madden 14," it might actually be called "Madden 25," and more information is "coming soon." This could be a cousin to Madden NFL 14 or something like that, or perhaps some sort of compilation that celebrates the franchise's 25th anniversary. 25 years…? Wait, the series has been around that long? I'm that old?! That can't be right. Somebody needs to recount the years and get back to me with a more agreeable figure.

Anyway, we'll have to wait and see about "Madden 25."

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11 years ago

Will they actually create a Franchise mode that is as good as the one in Madden 2008? They experimented with the Head Coach game as a separate product, which was horrible, and flopped, but to do that they gimped Franchise mode in Madden, and it's never recovered. Madden can go on another 25 years and if they do nothing to fix franchise mode, gamers like me won't care, because the game no longer gives us what we want.

11 years ago

Amen. That connected careers bull was incredibly bad.

11 years ago

It doesn't matter what they call it. It will be the same game as last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that…

11 years ago

If they're going to call it Madden 25, it better be something special. Nobody wants to see the same game with a new name being bandied as "new and improved".

11 years ago

I think they'll just do another "Collectable Edition".

Just like they did with their earlier 2-disc(Madden 09 & Head Coach 09) BluRay 20-years boxed set….

"1989 to 2009 – Madden – XX Years: Collectable Edition"

11 years ago

What is the word on the 2K series?? Isn't contract finally void? Will we see the return of NFL Gameday ever?

11 years ago

So…what happens after they call this Madden 25? Do they continue from there, and go to 26? Or just skip 14 all together. And if they do what happens when they get back to 25 again?! Crazy mind boggling things

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