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Grand Theft Auto V Pushed Back, Now Set For September

Oh, calm down. You can wait, can't you?

Rockstar Games has finally nailed down a solidified release date for what many claim to be the most anticipated title of 2013. As announced over at the company's blog , Grand Theft Auto V is now slated to hit on September 17. Yes, that's technically a delay; Rockstar says they need the extra time for a few more coats of polish.

"We know this is about four months later than originally planned and we know that this short delay will come as a disappointment to many of you, but, trust us, it will be worth the extra time. GTAV is a massively ambitious and complex game and it simply needs a little more polish to be of the standard we and, more importantly, you require."

There was no mention of the PC or Wii U versions of the game, although Rockstar has previously said both are "up for consideration." September might be an ideal release window for GTAV, as we haven't quite hit the fall stride just yet and the competition might be minimal. Besides, it's GTA…doesn't matter when it launches, it's gonna be pretty huge.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

In the voice of Darth Vader: Noooooooooooooooooooooo!

11 years ago

I'm ok with that. I'll live. I have my scotch (down into my belly) It's not like they had a date they had given anyways. However, I do have requirements in my patience please. Just start to trickle some more info out every month or so to build hype and keep me drooling… For example, a new trailer would be nice.

Stay Classy PSX…

11 years ago

I'm sure they'll dole out much more hype in the coming months, though I don't know how much more I can take 🙂 I cannot WAIT for this game. I'm going to download Vice City to my PS3 and Vita TONIGHT to relive some old memories and start some serious trouble with VCPD in anticipation…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Sucks for Killzone

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

It's not about marketing, it's about the negative media blaming videogames about gun violence. IMO. Thus, Rockstar, made the right move by delaying the game so that the blaming on videogames cools off.

GTA being so violent, and with all the school shootings and all, Rockstar decided to delay the game, if the game needed polish, they would have said, Q3 2013 or " winter 2013", but that's not the case, there is a solid date and it's september 17. An exact date, IMO, doesn't show evidence that it needs polish.

11 years ago

Awesome! Im not surprised its delayed but its no biggie. I can already feel GTAV will be my goty. Now all I need is a release date for Beyond Two Souls and MGS Ground Zeroes

11 years ago

I don't mind at all. I'd rather them take the time and make sure it's right then get a game that's going to need a massive patch day one. I remember the GTAIV loading issue that needed a patch..

11 years ago

This is ok. Since money runs away from me this will give me time to chase it down. Or sell a kidney.

11 years ago

And the whole gun violence = video games are evil thing will have died down by then.

11 years ago

Wow, you're right. Hadn't thought of the fact that Rockstar might want a little more daylight betweeen the GTA V release and the Newtown tragedy…

11 years ago

You clearly don't understand how the media works, something else will happen that they will seize on and nobody will be talking about this.

11 years ago

tis' ok, i have gta: s.a, gta: vice city & bully on my ps3 to hold me over.
and if thats still not enough, i have gta iv & gta: episodes from liberty city

11 years ago

So, PS4 launches in September with this as a launch title?

Stranger things have happened.

11 years ago

Yeah that'd be awesome. I got my current Playstation with a GTA bundle – and do not mind one bit a repetition of such a deal.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/1/2013 12:56:53 AM

11 years ago

I can't say I am all that devastated, there is so much being released within this month I know I'll be busy for most of this year. But I have yet to here much later on in the year so this is rather Ideal actually.

11 years ago

I already knew this game wss not releasing until the fall.I am not hyped since GTA has been boring since Vice City.The franchise is very overrated.I would preferanother Red Dead instead.

11 years ago

Kind of disappointed but i did expect it because of the lack of advertising. At least we now have release date. I wonder if it'll be for next gen systems. If so the PS4 HAS to release in a similar time frame as the 720.

11 years ago

Ehhhhhh… But the new POKEMON game comes out in October 😛 won't leave me much time to play it. lol

Was really looking foward to play it soon. I understand the reasons they did it but I am still sad.

11 years ago

does a bear sh*t in the woods?
NO i cant wait!
the competition wont be minimal, there will be heaps of games in september.
septembers always the start of the holiday rush, every man and his dog has to be squeezed in.
shame, because GTA is not exactly the game that can be rushed through and experienced in 10 hours.
wish they released it in july, would of been the perfect compromise!
2 months extra polish, and releases in a month where there wont be many games at all.

11 years ago

Recognize this quote?
"someones trying to cover up that they were wrong are they?
chillax the games not going to be delayed, they have been working on it for ages!
if it aint out by the end of may ill eat my hat!"

So… We demand pictures!

11 years ago

ahhhh, yup but i never said when.
my cameras in the shop too, so……..

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