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Dark Souls Director Wants To Work On Something “Warmer”

It's probably not what the Dark Souls fans want to hear, but director Hidetaka Miyazaki is moving on to find different, "warmer" waters.

The Demon's Souls and Dark Souls boss has left the series, as some of you know; two new directors (Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura) are heading up the impending sequel, Dark Souls 2 . Miyazaki leaving was a "company decision" according to Namco Bandai producer Takeshi Miyazoe.

The interesting part is that Miyazaki admitted to feeling a little gloomy when working on the games in question; in speaking to Edge , the former director is "sad about not being involved" with Dark Souls 2 but he wants to find something…brighter.

"Sometimes I'd like to work on a warmer game – not necessarily casual, but warmer in terms of the atmosphere and the environment… Maybe this is the time to have new inspiration, so I'm fine about that."

Miyazaki did add that the development team fully understands "what the core of Dark Souls is," so fans needn't worry. I'll definitely want to see what Miyazaki decides to do now, and it's intriguing to hear how the style, theme and design of a game might actually affect one's mood through the course of the day. Maybe we shouldn't be surprised, though.

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11 years ago

I totally am looking forward to Miyazakis new project.

If someone can make a game with the colour palette of Ni No Kuni, but the difficulty and combat style of Dark Souls I would have the perfect game.

I loved the soul series but the palette made me depressed sometimes, which I guess was the point but I am really looking forward to see what he cooks up next.

11 years ago

A company decision? :(, I hope is because they have hopes on him doing another great franchise or something, this guy is great and I wanna play more of his next games.

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/30/2013 5:03:19 PM

11 years ago

Yay something colorful and lighter-hearted maybe. Like a JRPG?

11 years ago

Cool. As long as dark souls 2 is in good hands I'm happy. They should maybe take a break after ds2, let Miyazaki's next game come out, then get him back for dead souls or whatever its called in 2-3 years.

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